Friday 26 February 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – The mind is the reservoir of emotions - The significance of Athmajjana/knowledge of self to get rid of redundant thoughts


Chapter - 70 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  - The mind is the reservoir of emotions - The significance of Athmajjana/knowledge of self to get rid of redundant thoughts

Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “The Dhvaithabhava/dualities, illusion, fears and anxieties of Samsara, the grief of separation and loss of wealth, are caused due to the various emotions which are nothing but Moha Mayajanitha perceptions.  The illusion causes us to consider people as companions, Udhaseena/neutral and enemies, in fact, there is neither enemy nor companion, and it is the same as the trepidation caused by the rope mistaken as a serpent. Although these are the Mayajanitha Kalpana/illusion, the Shathru/enemies should be abandoned forever like the serpent that spews venom, the companions should be embraced as the precious ornaments, and Udhaseena/neutral should be avoided like Trina/grass. The precious gems can be used for getting a sumptuous meal, royal garments, and cows, in the same manner, the concept of heaven, hell, three worlds, Chara and Achara exists in the mind of the Jeeva. The human mind has the capabilities to achieve heavenly pleasure as well as hellish torture with its righteous and immoral deeds respectively. The immoral deeds provide grief and sufferings, and the righteous deeds provide happiness and serenity of the mind. The ignorant Jeeva soaked in material matters, wealth, richness, money, fame, possession, attachment to children, wife, relatives, and companion undergo constant grief of loss and separation of people or material matters, loss serenity of mind, thereby get troubled by redundant thoughts.  The Athmajjani abandon the interest in worldly matters and bondage, free of impurities of the mind, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, undertake austerities Japa, Thapa, Swadhyaya, Shamadhamadhi, etc., and live-in supreme bliss, the mind free from redundant thoughts. The rarest birth as a human is not for taking pleasure in the worldly matters and bondage, it has to be utilized to achieve the Paramarththa Thaththva/knowledge of self. The mind is the reservoir of various emotions and it comes out in the unexpected moment are same as the clothing have no existence without the thread, the mud pot has no existence without the mud. Oh! Prabho, when did I get relieved from the various emotions? When did I get purified my intellect with the constant remembrance of lotus feet of Raghunatha? Then I would achieve serenity of mind, and get freed from redundant thoughts. The knowledge of indestructible Purusha Paramathma Paramabhramam resides as the soul is eternal, changeless, pure, free from afflictions, bliss, has neither birth nor death, would remove my illusion and various emotions as well.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj continues “Oh! Raghunath, Oh! Dheera, Oh! Hithakari, who always assure the welfare of the universe, I have abandoned you, as a result, I have drenched in the Samsararoopi Vishayavisha, eventually I have ended into constant miseries and sorrows, whom did I speak about my miserable state? Oh! Nath, my heart is the dwelling place of you, unfortunately, I have polluted your dwelling place with the Ahamkara Mamakara, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Madha, Moha, and Mathshcharya, and impurities of Shabdha Sparsha, Rasa, Roop, and Gandh, are the dangerous thieves, stolen away from the serenity of my mind. Oh! Prabho, your shrine in my heart is destroyed by these thieves, even though I have made futile attempts to push them out, they are too heartless and adamant I have failed on them miserably. These thieves of impurities do not listen to my humble words, these thieves are Ajjan/ignorance, Moha/desire, and lust, Lobha, Ahamkara, Madha/arrogance, Krodha/anger, etc. have stolen the peace in me, Oh! Natha, these thieves know that I am an orphan and helpless, I am weak and these thieves are so powerful and countless, and I have no one to protect me from these merciless thieves. Oh! Nath, I cannot run away from them, they do not spare me. Oh! Raghunath, kindly protect me from these thieves who have taken custody of my heart which is the dwelling place of you. Oh! Ram, my heart is your dwelling place, if it was taken custody by the thieves it would add ill fame to you, I am not responsible for it, all that I am worried about that no one should blame you for letting these thieves inside your shrine. I am Tulsidas have already taken shelter at your lotus feet, while remaining in your protection if I was tortured by these thieves like Ahamkara, Mamakara, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Shabdha, Sparasha, Rasa, Roop, and Gandha, it would bring ill fame to you. Hence, kindly take control of your shrine that was built in my heart, all by yourself.”


124) Jau Nija Man Pariharai Bikara | Thau Kath Dhvaitha Janitha Samsrithi Dhukha Samsaya Soka Apara || Sathru Mithra Madhyastha Theeni Ye  Man Keenhe Bariayi | Thyagan Gahana Upecchaneeya Ahi Hatak Thrinki Nayi || Asan Basan Pasu Basthu Bibidha Bidhi Sab Mani  Maham Raha Jaise | Saraga Naraka Chara Achara Loka Bahu Basath Madhya Man  Thaise || Bitap Madhya Pootharika Sooth Maham Kanchuki Binahim Banaye | Man Maham Thatha Leen Nana  Thanu Pragatath Avasar Paye || Raghupathi Bhagathi Bari Chalith Chith Binu Prayas Hi   Soocchai | Tulasidas Kaha Chidh Bilas Jaga Boocchath Boocchath Boochye ||


125) Mei Kehi Kahau Bipathi Athi Bhari | Sreeraghubeer Dheera Hithakari || Mama Hridhaya Bhavana Prabhu  Thora | Thaham Base Aayi Bahu Chora || Athi Kadina Karahim Barajora | Manahim Nahim Binaya Nihora || Thama Moha Lobha Ahamkara | Madha Krodha Bodh Ripu Mara || Athi  Karahim Upadhrava Natha | Maradhahim Mohi Jani Anatha || Mei Yek Amitha Batpara | Koau Sunai Na  Mora Pukara || Bhagehu Nahim  Nath ! Ubara Raghunayak Karahu Sambara || Kaha Tulasidas Sunu Rama | Lootahim Thaskar Thava Dhama || Chintha Yah Mohi Apara | Apajas  Nahim Hoyi Thumhara ||