– 131 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Ramanama is
the savior in the Kali era
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh!
Neech/ignorant Jeeva, if you have no love or devotion for Janakinath Sri
Ramachandra, how could you achieve well-being and Paramarththa Thaththva? The
evilness of the Kali era has destroyed the welfare in the Iha/life on the Earth and
Paraloka/life after the Earth as well.
In this Kali era, the Varnna/Bhramin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and
Ashrama/Bhramacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa, Dharma/duties and
responsibilities of Varnna and Ashrama prescribed in the Veda and Scriptures
can be seen only in the sacred texts. The people have lost devotion and faith, and
belief in the scriptures and Veda, Varna, Ashrama, Dharma, a very few have faith
in performing religious and spiritual rites, that too for personal benefit.
Jeeva has become Karththvyaheena/lost interest in the performance of duties and
responsibilities prescribed in scriptures. The Veda and scriptures recommend
several Yajja, and Sadhanas for the welfare of the Universe and its living
beings, provides Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha/Purusharththa to the Jeeva. Alas! all those rites are performed without
the pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra,
/Bhagavathprema Viheena Karma yearning for personal gain would be like the
beautiful pond without water. The spiritual and religious rites/ Kriya
performed Bhagavath Premaviheena, and the Kriyas performed not for Eshwararththa
would not bring any fruitfulness, and it would be a mere show-off. There are
several ways/Sadhana to get rid of sufferings of Samsara, impurities of Kama,
Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, get rid of
interest in worldly matters and attachments to wealth, money, fame, richness, wife,
children, relatives and companions, etc. Oh! Tulsi, listen to my words, recite
the Ramanama day and night, all your miseries and grief of Samsara would
disappear, and you will remain well protected.”
192) JO Pai
Janakinath Sau Natho Nehu Na Neech | Svarath Paramarath Kaha Kali Kutil
Bigoyo Beech || Dharm Baran Ashramanike Paiyath Pothihi Puran | Karthab Binu
Besha Dhekhiye Jyo Sareer Binu Pran || Bedh Bihitha/bidhith
Sadhan Sabai Suniyath Dhayak Phal Chari
| Ramaprema Binu Janibe Jaise Sarsaritha Binu Bari || Nana Path Nirbanake Nana
Bidhan Bahu Banthi | Tulsi Thu Mere Kahe
Japu Ramanama Dhinrathi ||