Wednesday 10 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ramanama Mahima - Get rid of the sufferings of Samsara and Samsarachakra


Chapter - 100 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  – Ramanama Mahima - Get rid of the sufferings of Samsara and Samsarachakra

Sri Tusidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabhu, it was my mistake, I have got influenced by your Prapancha/Maya, and attached to all those Anathmavasthu/material matters and people that have temporary life. Oh! Prabhu, you are an ocean of virtues and forgot the Athmavasthu/Paramathma resides as a soul in me. Oh! Kripalu, you are the protector of the distressed Jeeva, you are the savior of Dheena and Dhukhi, Oh! Prabhu, I may sound Vairagin, humble and dressed in ragged clothes, but my mind is completely polluted with the several sins and immoralities, it is the storehouse of sins, Oh! Ram, I am heartless, wicked, and deceitful, haven’t practiced devotion or followed any of the austerities and Shamadhamadhi, my mind is corrupted and it is full of sins and dirt. Oh! Prabho, my mind takes great pleasure in the morally wrong deeds, and the association of people who are drenched in the material matters, chasing after richness, wealth, fame, money, attachment to wife, children, relatives, and companions, therefore I hardly find any interest in the association of Viraktha Santh Mahathma, noble-souls, my mind always seeking pleasure in worldly matters and people. The Lord of Lords, Lord Mahadeva whispers the Ramanama on the ears of the Jeeva who leave mortal coil on the sacred land of Anandhavan, so that the Jeeva gets liberated from the vicious cycles of rebirth, in this way, the supreme Lord Mahadeva glorifies the Ramanama that could remove the grief and sufferings although it was uttered in Dhamba/pride, it could remove the miseries and sorrows/Dukhasagara, like the Sage Agasthya who dried up the ocean, the utterance of Ramanama would provide welfare in the Ihaloka and Paraloka as well. The Ramanama is the essence of bliss and auspiciousness, the piousness achieved from reciting the Ramanama is incomparable. Oh! Prabho, the commendable merits of Ramanama Japa makes me cheerful, finally this Tulsi has got something to hold on to to get rid of the sufferings of Samsara and vicious cycles of Samsarachakra.”


159) Hai Prabhu! Meroyi Sab Dhosu | Seelasindhu Kripalu Nath  Anath Aarath Posu || Besha Bachan Biraga Man Adha Avagunaniko Kosu | Ramapreethi Pratheethi Poli Kapata Karthab Dosu || Ragaranga Kusanga Hi Sau Sadhusangathi Rosu | Chahath Kehari Jasahim Seyi Srigala Jyo Khargosu || Sambhusikhavan Rasan Hu Nitha Ramanamahim Dhosu | Dhambhahu Kali Nama Kumbhaja Soch Sagar Sosu || Modha Mangala Moola Athi Anukoola Nija Nirajosu | Ramanama Prabhava Suni  Tulasihu  Parama Parithosu ||