Sunday 14 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – The practice of devotion to get rid of sufferings of Samsara


Chapter - 109 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  – The practice of devotion to get rid of the sufferings of Samsara


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “If I have found Shadras in the devotion at the lotus feet of Sri Ramachandra, as I enjoy the six types of tastes in the meal, I wouldn’t have fallen into the trap of Vishayavisha/toxic poison like the interest in worldly matters. Oh! Prabho, I am unfortunate my mind and intellect did not achieve the superior Shadrasa/Ananyabhakthi in the devotion of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, hence it has been chasing after the interest in worldly matters, possession, richness, wealth, money, fame, attachment to wife, children, relatives, and companion, etc. that has fleeting nature ultimately pushed me into grief and agony. Alas! my excessive interest in worldly matters, Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, and Gandha causing me to throw into the vicious cycles of repeated birth, sadly even after taking several births in different Yonis, my interest in the toxic poison like Vishayavisha haven’t disappeared, and the huge irony is my chase for material welfare and bodily pleasure did not stop, even after taking pleasure in the similar Vishayavisha in the several previous births. I have completely drenched in Maya, and kept aloof from the Paramarththaroopi wealth, the Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, supreme Lord resides as soul in the Jeeva is the sole source of the functioning of the mind, intellect, Chithth, Ahamakara, Panchaprana, Karma and Gnanendhriyas etc. I have taken several births in different yonis and have experienced similar kinds of Vishaya/worldly matters, wealth, possession, richness, attachments to people, etc. even though I am not tired of chasing that material welfare and bodily pleasure, it is utterly disgraceful that I have not achieved contentment in any of the Vishaya. Oh! Raghunath, you have showered an abundance of grace upon the Gheedh/Jatayu, Shabari, Kol, Bheel, Vanaras, Bear, etc. and liberated them from the Bhavabandhan, Oh! Prabho, whoever taken shelter in your sacred name ‘Rama’ was liberated from the sufferings of worldly existence and ultimately from the vicious cycles of rebirth, hence I shall take shelter in your sacred name to get rid of suffering of Samsara.”


169) Jo  Mohi Ram Lagathe  Meete | Thau  Navaras Shatras Ras Anaras Hyai Jathe  Sab Seede || Banchak Bishaya Bibidha Thanu  Dhari  Anubhave  Soone  Aru Teede | Yaha Janath Hau  Hridhaya Aapne Sapane  Na Adhayi Ubeede || Tulasidas Prabhu  So  Yekahim Bal Bachan Kahath Athi  teede | Namaki Laj  Ram Karunakar Kehi Na Dhiye  Kar  Cheede ||