– 125 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika – The
significance of the association of Santh Samagama/Sadhusanga to achieve serenity of mind
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho,
how do I appeal before you? Oh! Prabho, whenever I think of your disciplines,
virtues, and compassion, I am getting perplexed, and the courage gathered to
appeal slithering out of my hands. Oh! Hare, I have abandoned all those
Sadhanas, Swadhyaya, Athmavichara, Shamadhamadhi, I have discarded the ways to
get rid of Ahamkara and Mamakara, lust, anger, desire, ego, pride, and
jealousy, and attached to worldly matters, possession, money, richness, wealth,
fame, wife, children, relatives and companion, etc. thereby I have lost the
fortune to attend your Kripa. I am drenched in the Vishayavisha, will it bring
any good to me? Hence constantly hurling myself into grief, agony, pain, and
sorrows day and night. Oh! Prabho, I understand, the deeds performed by Man/mind,
Karama/deeds, Bachan/words for the welfare of the Samsara, elevates the Jeeva
from the Samsarasagara, alas! I haven’t followed any righteous deeds by mind,
words, and deeds. Oh! Prabho, I get jealous of others' welfare, without any
reason. The Veda and scriptures strongly recommended to be in the association
of noble souls, Virakthathma, Santh, Mahathma, to achieve serenity of mind, get rid of
impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and
Mamakara. Oh! Prabho, the Abhiman/pride, Ajjana/ignorance, and Ershya/ego did
not allow me to get closer to the noble souls, I have not been kind to them.
Oh! Prabho, I take pleasure in the company of Jeeva soaked in the Samasasagara,
Oh! Nath, how did I get achieve serenity of mind and get relieved from the
grief of Samsara? Oh! Prabho, I am helpless, I cannot achieve Bhakti, Gnana,
Vairagya, Santhsamagama, Sadhusanga, without your Kripa, otherwise I would be
hurling into the vicious Samsarachakra again and again, and take birth in
different Yoni. Oh! Prabho, Tulsi already have taken shelter in you, I have
firm faith in you, then why should I take strenuous Sadhanas which could not
provide any fruitfulness.”
186) Kaun Jathan Binathi Kariye | Nija
Acharana Bichari Hari Hiya Mani Jani Dariye || Jehi Sadhana Hari ! Dhruvahu
Jani Jan So Hadi Parihariye | Jathe Bipathi Jal Nisidhin
Dhukha Thehi Patha Anusariye || Janath Hu Man Bachan Karama Parahitha Keenhe
Thariye | So Bipareeth Dhekhi Parasukha
Binu Karana Hi Jariye || Shruthi Purana Sabko Math Yah Sathsang Sudhrida Dhariye | Nija Abhimana
Moha Ersha Bas
Thinahi Na Aadhariye || Santhath Soyi Priya Mohi Sadha Jathe Bhavanidhi
Pariye | Kahau Ab Nath Kaun Balthe Samsaras0ga Hariye || Jab Kab Nija
Karuna Subhavathe Dhruvahu Thai
Nisthariye | Tulasidas Bisvas Aan Nahim Kath Pachi Pachi Mariye ||