Tuesday 6 April 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Prakrithi/material matters and people are ephemeral brings momentary happiness – Athman/soul is Paramathma which is indestructible Purusha brings permanent bliss


Chapter 175 – Sri Vinaya Patrika – Prakrithi/material matters and people are ephemeral brings momentary happiness – Athman/soul is Paramathma which is indestructible Purusha brings permanent bliss


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, the intellectuals say, if you do not understand the Paramarththa Thaththva/Jeevathma is Paramathma, Prakrithi is destructible and the Paramathma is indestructible Purusha, then all your Karma and Dharma would remain laborious, never become fruitful. The knowledge of ‘self’, Paramathma resides as a soul in the Jeeva, would destroy the impurities, Ahamkara, Mamakara, and interest in worldly matters, etc. The knowledge of Paramarththa Thaththva would bring Karyasidhdhi/fruitfulness of Karma and Dharma. The Veda and Purana describe the legends of various deities, Siddhas, Muneeshwar, Yogis, who contemplate upon the indestructible Purusha, abandoning the destructible Prakarithi/worldly matters and attachment to people, achieved bliss. In their opinion the Prakrithi/material matters have fleeting nature, hence attachment to material matters such as wealth, money, richness, possession, fame, attachment to wife, children, companions, and relatives, etc. are ephemeral brings momentary happiness, and brings intense grief and agony. Oh! Prabho, which could provide permanent happiness other than reciting your names, listening to your glorious myths, serving preceptors, Santh Mahathma, and noble – souls? The Vyadh/hunter Valmiki, Gajaraj, Jatayu, twice-born Ajamila, like crores of sinful Jeeva taken shelter at your lotus feet and achieved the serenity of mind, and liberation from the Samsara. Oh! Prabho, you are too kind and compassionate, do not look on the mountain-sized sins of your worshiper, all that you do highly praise the smallest virtue of your devotees to the size of mount Sumeru. Oh! Tulsidas, you are ignorant, why do not you leave all your aspirations for the achievement of material welfare and bodily pleasure, and engage in the meditation and contemplation upon supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra?”


236) Jo Pai  Jiya Janakinath Na Jane | Thai  Sab Karama Dharma Shramadhayak Yeseyi Kahath Sathane|| Je Sur Sidhdha Muneesa Jogabidha Bedha Purana Bakhane | Pooja  Leth Dheth Palate Sukha Hani  Labha Anumane || Kako Nama Dhokhehu Sumirath Pathaka Punja Parane | Bipra Badhika Gaja Gheedh Koti  Khal Kaunake  Pet  Samane || Meru Se  Dhosha Dhoori  Kari Janake  Renu Se  Guna Ura  Aane | Tulasidas Thehi Sakala Aasa Thaji Bhajahi Na Ajahu Ayane ||