Sunday 18 April 2021

Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – The practice of devotion is bliss


Chapter 208 – Sri Vinaya Patrika – The practice of devotion is bliss


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Ram, when did I take pleasure in the meditation and contemplation upon your lotus feet, like the fish splashes in the water, the serpent feel elated with the gem on its forehead, and the Lobhi gets thrilled watching the treasure or the youth find attracted to the young and smart woman of his choice. Oh! Prabho, when will I find pleasure in the recitation of your name? you are the treasure house, I am that Lobhi, yearning to achieve the grace of you. Oh! Prabho, kindly shower your compassionate grace upon me so that I will practice Ananyabhakthi/uninterrupted flow of devotion at your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, the Veda, and scriptures highly eulogize your generous nature, you are bountiful offers whatever yearn by your devotees, you are the knower of All, you fulfill the wishes of your devotees without even asking for it. Oh! Dhayanidhe, kindly fulfill the desire of this Tulsi, without asking for it. Oh! Prabho, I am exhausted and worn out of sufferings and grief of Samsara, impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, Mamakara, interest in infinite Shabdha/sound, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/taste, Roop/appearance and Gandha/smell, I have lost the serenity of mind, troubled with anxious, and fear of death. Oh! Prabho, kindly shower your compassionate grace and fulfill my desire, so that I would achieve Ananyabhakthi/pure love and devotion at your lotus feet, and get rid of impurities of the mind, redundant thoughts, sufferings, and grief of Samsara and Samsarachakra.”


269) Ram Kabahu Priya  Lahigau Jaise  Neer  Meenako? Sukha Jeevan Jyo Jeevako Mani Jyo Phaniko Hith Jyo Dhan Lobha Leenako || Jyo  Subhaya Priya Lagathi Nagari Nagar Naveenako | Thyo Mere Man Lalasa Kariye  Karunakar! Pavan Prema Peenako || Mansako Dhatha Kahai Shruthi Prabhu Prabeenako | Tulasidasa Ko Bhavatho Bali  Jau Dhayanidhi! Dheejai Dhan Dheenako ||