Monday 19 April 2021

Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Sharanagathi to achieve the serenity of mind – The objective of rarest birth as a human


Chapter 210 – Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sharanagathi to achieve the serenity of mind– The objective of rarest birth as a human


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Rama, whether I am good or evil natured, I am your servant, hence kindly do not abandon me. Oh! Kosalanath, you are the ocean of mercy, you are Sharanagatharaksha, protector of Jeeva who has taken shelter at your lotus feet, kindly shower your compassionate grace on this Sharanagatha as well. Oh! Prabho, I am drenched in impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara and Mamakara, and I was chasing after material matters, wealth, possession, fame, money, richness, attachment to wife, children, relatives, and companion, etc. the excessive interest in infinite Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roop, Gandha, drove me insane and pushed me into Mahamoha/illusion and ignorance, hence I have been afar from you. Oh! Prabho, you are the purifier of Jeeva, hence kindly sanctify this Tulsi too. Oh! Prabho, are you conscious about the comment of the world if you accept a grave sinner like me? Oh! Prabho, you are benevolent and pleasant natured, you have embraced the ferryman Guha, accepted Vanaras, Kol, Bheel, as your companions, kindly shower your kindness on me, Oh! Prabho, although I am a grave sinner, I am yours, I am that Jeevathma which is the essence of Paramathma, have no existence without you, like the waves that have no existence without the ocean waters, therefore kindly do not leave me unnoticed to protect me from the sufferings of Samsara and Samsarachakra. Oh! Prabho, I have been drenched in material welfare and bodily pleasure did not engage in the practice of austerities, vows, devotion or meditation hence did not achieve the fruitfulness of life, I did not wisely utilize the rarest birth as a human achieved after piousness of several births. Oh! Prabho, I am worthless, but I am yours, kindly do not abandon me.”


271) Jaiso Hau  Thaiso Ramaravaro Jan Jani  Parihariye | Kripasindhu Kosaladhani! Saranagath Palak Darani Aapani Dariye || Hau Thau Bigarayal Aur Ko Bigaro Na Bigariye | Thum Sudhari Aaye Sadha Sabki Sabahi Bidhi Ab  Meriyo Sudhariye || Jaga Hansaihai Mere Sangrahe Kath Ihi Dar Dariye | Kapi  Kevat Keenhe Sakha Jehi Seel Saralachith Thehi Subhau Anusariye || Aparadhi Thau Aapno Tulsi  Na Bisariye | Tootiyo Bamha Gare Parai Phootehu Bilochan Peer Hoth Hith Kariye ||