Sunday 8 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The splendor of Lord Sri Krishna


Chapter – 79 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The splendor of Lord Sri Krishna


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, envision the glorious form of supreme Lord Sri Hari, which is the source of ultimate bliss, and supreme knowledge. The meditation and contemplation upon Lord Sri Hari are the supreme bliss, there is no happiness other than this in the entire Universe. Oh! Mortals, leave your interest in worldly matters, and infinite Shabdha/sounds, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/passion, Roopa/appearance, and Gandha/smell of fleeting nature, which is the source of extreme grief and sufferings/Thapathraya,  invest your mind and intellect to achieve Bhagavathprema/pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, like the Chakora yearningly look at the autumn moon, it would remove the Thapathraya/three kinds of grief, and the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara as well.”


“Oh! Mortals, contemplate upon the lotus feet of Lord Shyamsundhar Lord Sri Krishnachandra, who is bearing the auspicious signs of Dwaja, lotus, Angush, Vajra, and his foot nails have the luster of the moon, whose movements leave magnificent reflections of auspicious symbols on the Earth. He has beautiful knees, and the calves resemble the trunk of the baby elephant, he is adorned in marvelous waist ornaments, he has a deep navel, and three beautiful lines around the stomach would remove the fear of worldly existence. He has powerful arms that resemble Sheshanag, four hands adorned in Shakha, Chakra, Gadha, and Padma respectively. His mighty arms are adorned in armlets, Kankan/bangles, and gem-studded rings on the finger which is the source of auspiciousness to the noble souls, Santh, and Mahathma. He is adorned in Vanamala/a beautiful flower garland made of flowers of the woods, it keeps moving back and forth on his chest covering the footprints of Sage Bhrigu, which would remove the illusion/Maya in his devotees. He is attired in a majestic yellow silk garment that resembles lightning on the freshly formed dark cloud-complexioned attractive limb, which removes the darkness of ignorance in his devotees. He is adorned in Kausthubhamani/precious gem on the neck, attractive fish-shaped earrings, and beautiful curly hair locks that are beyond description. He has a most pleasing smile that resembles the nectar from the moon that lures the eyes of his devotees. The Supreme Lord Sri Krishnachandra is absolute truth, he represents virtues and auspiciousness. He is Lord of the Universe, beloved of  Devatha/deities, Manushya/human, Munigan/Santh, Mahathma, and devotees, his each and every limb is lustrous and eye-catching, how could I describe that endless beauty of that supreme Lord? He is beyond description.”

Yahayi Man! Anandha Avadhi Sab | Nirakhi Saroopa Bibeka Nayana Bhari Ya Sukha Thai Nahi Aur Kacchu Ab || Chith Chakoragathi Kari Athisaya Rathi Thaji Shrama Sadhana Bishaya Lobha | Chithi Charana Mridhu ChandhaNakha Chalatha Chinha Chahu Dhisi Sobha || Janu  Sujadhana Karama Kara Akrithi Kati Pradesa Kinkini Rajai | Hridh Bidha Nabhi Udhara Thribali Bara Avalokatha Bhavabhaya Bhajai || Uraga Indhra Unmana Subhaga Bhuja Pani Padhuma Ayudha Rajai| Kanaka Balaya Mudhrika Modhapradha Sadha Subaga Santhani Kajai || Ura Banamala Bichithra Bimohana Bhrigu Bhavari Bhrama Kau Nasai | Thaditha Basana Ghanasyama Satasa Than Thejapunjja Thama Kau  Thrasai || Parama Ruchira Manikanda Kirani Gana Kundala Mukuta  Prabha Nyari | Bidhu Mukha Mridhu Musukyani Amritha Sama Sakala Loka  Lochana Pyari || Sathyaseela Sampanna Sumoorathi Sura Nara Muni Bhakthani Bhavai | Anga Anga  Prathi Cchabi Tharanga Gathi Surdas Kyo Kahi Avai ||