Monday 9 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion removes the attachment to diversified worldly matters


Chapter – 80-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion removes the attachment to diversified worldly matters


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, you have wasted several births, drenched in ignorance and arrogance, attached to worldly the matters of infinite sound, passion, touch, appearance, and smell, and driven away from the supreme knowledge/Paramarththa Thaththva/absolute truth, failed to understand the nature of ‘self’/soul, the Sacchidhanandha Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in you, like the deer forgets the rich fragrance of Kasthuri stored in its navel and wanders all over the woods seeking out of the same. The Maya of Mayapathi / illusion is so powerful, eternal, and primeval is unconquerable and mighty as the supreme Lord. Oh! Mortals, the knowledge of self/soul /Paramarththa Thaththva, removes the illusion, eventually, the Jeeva realizes that the Sacchidhanandha Swaroopa Paramathma resides as the soul is eternal bliss, pure, unblemished, free from the sufferings of dualities, and it has neither birth nor death. Ultimately, the Jeeva gets rid of interest in worldly matters of fleeting nature/Prakrithi and contemplate and meditate upon the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam/Purusha resides as a soul in him/her.  It persuades the Jeeva to surrender at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari and get rid of Thapathraya and repeated births as well. Oh! Mortals, the practice of devotion, worship of Lord Sri Hari, and singing in praise of the virtues of Lord Hari is the only way to get rid of sufferings and three kinds of grief of worldly existence, the interest in worldly matters of possession, fame, richness, wealth, money, children, wife, companion, relatives, and the interest in infinite Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, Gandha.”

Re Man Aap Ko Pahichani | Sab Janama Thau Bhramatha Khoyau Ajahu Thau Kacchu Jani || Jyau Mriga Kasthoori Bhoolai Su Thau Thakai Pas | Bhramath Hi Vah Dhauri Dhoondai Jabahi Ghachai Bas|| Bhrama Hi Balavanth Sab Mei Esahu Kai Bhayi | Jab Bhagath Bhagavanth Cheenhai Bharama Man Thai Jayi || Salila Kau Sab Ranga Thaji Kai Yek Rang Milayi | Sur JO Dhwau Ranga Thyagai Yahai Bhakth Subhayi ||