Thursday 19 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The objective of the human body is to get rid of the sufferings of worldly existence


Chapter – 99-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The objective of the human body is to get rid of the sufferings of worldly existence


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, this body was not put into use for the worship of Lord Sri Hari or devotees of Lord Sri Hari or in the service of Santh, Mahathma, noble souls. Oh! Prabho, I am shameless to accept that this body did not take pleasure in the association of Santh, Mahathma, noble souls who constantly sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, it does not put into use for the performance of austerities, vows, celibacy, Shamadhamadhi, etc. ironically, it was enthusiastically chasing after the physical as well as material matters drenched in lust, desire, ego, pride, Ahamkara, Mamakara, anger, and jealousy. Oh! Prabho, this body did not take pleasure in visiting the sacred shrines and rivers, or enjoy the worship of Lord Sri Hari, or bow before the presiding deity, or taking a dip in the holy Theertha. Oh! Mortals, the Jeeva do not practice pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, or strive to achieve to get rid of impurities of mind such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara by observing austerities, vows, celibacy, Japa, Thapa, Dhyanam, Dhaya, Sathyam, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Dhama, Shama, Arjjvam, Swadhyaya, etc. it is impossible to achieve serenity of mind, or get rid of constant sufferings and grief of worldly existence or repeated births. The unfortunate ones drenched in worldly matters of possession, wealth, richness, money, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc., would constantly hurl themselves into endless miseries and grief, continues to take birth in different Yonis of animals, birds, reptiles, humans, etc. like a blind person. The ignorant and unfortunate ones choose to consume the toxic poison of worldly matters leaving the nectar-like devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari.”


Kaya Hari Kai Kama Na Aayi | Bhavabhakthi Jaha Hari Jasa Suniyath Thaha Jath Alasayi || Lobhathura Hyau Kama Manoratha Thaha Sunatha Udi Dhayi || Charanakamala Sundhar Jaha Hari Ke Kyauhu Na  Jath Navayi | Jab Lagi Syama Anga  Nahi Parasath Andhe Jyau Bharmayi || Surdas Bhagavanth Bhajana Thaji Bishaya Parama Bisha Khayi ||