Monday 2 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika - Illusion makes the Jeeva/humans dance to its tune


Chapter – 70 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –Illusion makes the Jeeva/humans dance to its tune

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, leave your interest in worldly matters of infinite sounds, touch, passion, appearances, and smells of the toxic poison of worldly matters like the parrot takes a nib of tasteless Semar fruit. The happiness and pleasures from the worldly matters have fleeting nature, you cannot achieve permanent happiness out of the material matters of possession, wealth, money, richness, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. it has a short life, either it will leave you or you have to leave them, hence why are you chasing for appeasing your senses with the meaningless nature of worldly matters? Whatever is earned by immoral ways will disappear in due course of time, the attachment to woman, and the desire for wealth will not leave you till the time of death, finally, you will hurl yourself in the hellish torture while living on the Earth and afterlife as well. Oh! Insane, abandon your Ahamkara/ego, Mamakara/arrogance, pride, jealousy, anger, and take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, sing in praise of his endless glories, otherwise you would throw yourself into the massive flames of hellish tortures of worldly existence again and again by taking several births in the different womb. Oh! Mortal, earn the Sri Ramanama Roopi wealth in abundance, which is the source of eternal bliss, otherwise, you will keep dancing to the tune of Mahamoharoopi Maya of Lord Sri Hari, like the monkey dance to the command of its Master.”

Re Man  Chadi Bishaya Kau Ranchibau | Katha Thu Suva Ho Semar Kau Anthahi Kapata Na Bachibau || Anthar Gahath Kanaka Kamini Kau Hath  Rahaigau Pachibau | Thaji Abhimana Rama Kahi Baure  Natharka Jwala Thachibau || Sathguru Kahyau Kahau Thosau Hau Rama Rathana Dhana Sanchibau | Surdas Prabhu Hari Sumirana Binu Jogi Kapi Jyau Nachibau ||