Saturday 15 October 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The impurities of mind such as desire, ego, lust, anger, pride and jealousy are the fighters in the Kingdom of Maya/illusion


Chapter – 188-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The impurities of mind such as desire, ego, lust, anger, pride and jealousy are the fighters in the Kingdom of Maya/illusion


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Sri Hari, Oh! Prabho, I am the king of destitute and distressed people/Pathithesh, no one can stand up to me. I am living in the world of ‘Mahamoha’/utter illusion, where there is nothing is real, and everything has short living nature like dream, those infinite sounds, passion, appearance, touch and smell/Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, and Gandha. I am seated on the throne of desires/Asha, and there is no end to my desires, my throne of desire is decorated with the Dhambharoopi/pride as an umbrella. I have ignorance and arrogance as two servants who always follow my orders, and they describe my ill-fame to others. I have Kama/lust and Krodha/anger as two ministers, they keep advising me in their own ways, Oh! Prabho, the doubtfulness/Sandheh, and the dualities/Dhvandha, such as grief and joy, gain and loss, happiness and sorrow, etc. won’t leave me for a second, they follow me day and night, and they have a great influence on my intellect. Hence, they do not allow me to follow any customary rites as prescribed in the sacred texts and Veda. Lobha/greed is my shopkeeper, I accumulate all the material matters from him. Oh! Prabho, Moha/desire is my sincere servant, my arrogance is my doorkeeper, and my pride does not allow me to think with clarity. I am seated on the Mamatha/mine, my and myself/ as my cushion on the throne, I am aimlessly wandering in the Kingdom of Maya/illusion. Oh! Prabho, Thrishna/thirst, to acquire material and physical pleasure is my female servant, she does not allow me to move freely, hence I feel exhausted. Oh! Prabho, immoral deeds are my servants, they influence me to follow the improper ways of religious and spiritual rites, and perform deeds that are morally wrong. Oh! Prabho, my ambitions have the swiftness of a horse, I have the pride of an untamed elephant, and my falsehood and immorality are chariot and charioteer as well. Oh! Prabho, I have not followed intellect, I always follow my heart, and its desires and continuous fears are my warriors, and wickedness is my messenger. Oh! Prabho, Lord Yama shut the abode of hell before me, he does not approve of a grave sinner like me in his abode. Oh! Prabho, I have committed various grave sins mountain-sized, they are my warriors, so people are looking at me in utter disgrace and laughing at me, like the people imprisoned by me singing in praise of me/like the royal singers sing in praise of their King. Oh! Prabho, I have been following immoral and wicked deeds all my life.”

Hari  Hau Sab Pathithani Pathithes | Aur Na  Sari Karibe Kau Dhooje Mahamoha Mama Desa || Asa Kei Simhasan Baityau Dhamba Chathra Sir Thanyau | Apajasa Athi Nakeeb Kahi Deryau Sab Sir Aayasu Manyau || Manthri Kama Krodha Nija Dhoau Apani Apani Reethi | Dhubidha  Dhundh Rahau Nisibasara Upajavath Bipareethi || Modhi Lobha Swavasa Mohake Dhwarapala Amhara | Pat Biradha Mamatha Hai Merau Maya Kau Adhikar || Dasi Thrishna Bhramara Thahala Hitha Lahath Na  Cchin Bishrama | Anachara Sevak  Sau Mili Kai Karath Chabaini Kama || Baji Manoratha Garba Maththagaja Asatha Kumath Ratha Sootha | Pathaka Man Banaitha Adheeraj Sadha Dushtamathi Dhooth || Gadvai Bhayau Narakapathi Mosau Dheenhe Rahatha Kivar | Sena Sath Bahuth Bhathin Ki Keenhe Papa Apar || Nindha Jaga Upahas Karath Maga Bandhijana Jasa Gavath | Hat Anyaya Adharma Sur Nitha Naubath Dhwar Bajavath ||