Chapter – 201- Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The interest in
worldly matters cannot provide supreme bliss
Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh!
Sri Hari, I have been chasing after worldly matters of infinite sound, touch,
passion, smell, and appearances for so long, hurling into different wombs, but
I have not been satisfied or happy yet. I don’t know how many births I have
taken in different Yonis/wombs, my desires are endless and uncontrollable, I have
been wandering aimlessly chasing after pleasing my senses day and night. Oh!
Prabho, I have been drenched in lust, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, anger,
Ahamkara and Mamakara, hence I have thrown myself into constant grief and
agony, taking birth in the different Yonis/wombs, listening to the fourteen
types of world/Swarga, Rasathal and Earth, Alas! my impurities of the mind like
the fire did not put off. Oh! Prabho, I have been excessively attached to
possession, wealth, money, richness, fame, children, wife, companion, and
relatives, which are like flames that constantly put me into grief and agony.
Oh! Prabho, I am ignorant, dull-minded, hence I did not practice devotion at
your lotus feet, or observe austerities, celibacy, non-violence, truthfulness,
kindness, Swadhayaya/study of scriptures and Veda, self-control, service to
Lord Sri Hari and devotees, selfless service to preceptors and Mahathmas. I
have been kept chasing material and physical pleasures, like pouring ghee into
flames. Oh! Prabho, I am an unfortunate Jeeva, kept wandering aimlessly all over
the Earth chasing after the material and physical pleasures of fleeting nature,
finally completely dejected to notice the flames of infinite sound, smell,
appearance, touch, and passion like flames spread all over the Universe and all
the unfortunate Jeevas are pampered in it relentlessly. Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri
Hari, H
o w did I get rid of the impurities
of the mind? it is impossible to get rid of Thapathraya/three kinds of grief,
without your grace.”
Yesau Karath Aneka Janma Gaye Man Santhosh Na Payau | Dhin Dhin Adhika Dhurasa Lagyau Sakala Loka Bhrami Aayau || Suni
Suni Swarga Rasathala Bhoothala Thaha
Thaha Udi Ghayau | Kama Krodha Madha Lobha Agini Thai Kahau Na Jarath Bujjayau || Sutha
Thanaya Banitha Binodha Rasa Ihi Jur Jarani Jarayau | Mei Agyana Akulayi Adhika
Lai Jarath Manjj Dhritha Nayau || Bhrami Bhrami Ab Haryau Hiya Apanau Dhekhi
Anala Jaga Chayau | Surdasa Prabhu Thumhari Kripa Binu Kaise Jath Nasayau ||