Chapter – 233- Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The soul is permanent
and the worldly matters are impermanent
Sri Surdas
Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, you are the absolute truth, and
safest asylum, you are the Lord of the Universe and its living and non-living things,
I have already surrendered at your lotus feet, I have no place to seek shelter
other than you. Oh! Prabho, you are the wish-fulfilling Kamadhenu, the divine
cow, so why should I leave you and get a goat, why should I chase after the worldly
matters of toxic poison that has no permanence? Why should I stop traveling on
horse and elephant and ride on a donkey? Why should I leave the precious
Parasmani, and adorn a garland of glass pieces? Why should I leave the saffron
paste and apply charcoal on the face? Why should I leave the finest silk
clothes and attire bark of a tree? Why should I leave the luscious mango fruit
and chase after Semar fruit/sticky substance with no taste? Why should I take
bath in the muddy pond, leaving the waves of the ocean? Oh! Prabho, I have
already taken shelter at your lotus feet, hence it would be utter ignorance to
leave your lotus feet, and approach demi-gods to fulfill my desires. Oh!
Prabho, I am dull-minded and blind by birth, I was drenched in lust, desire,
ego, anger, jealousy, pride, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, I was chasing after the
worldly matters of possession, wealth, richness, fame, money, children, wife,
companion and relatives of fleeting nature, thereby I have wasted precious life
in pleasing senses, now I am singing in praise of your glories and lying at
your doorstep, kindly shower your compassionate grace upon me.”
Meri Thau
Gathipathi Thum Anthahi Dhukha Pau | Hau
Kahayi Therau Ab Kaun Kau Kahau
|| Kamadhenu Cchadi Kaha Aja Lai Dhuhau |
Hayagayandh Uthari Kaha Gardhaba Chadi Ghau || Kanchana Mani Kholi Dari Kanch Gar
Bandhau | Kumkum Kau Lep Meti Kajar Mukha Lau || Patambar Ambar Thaji Gudhari
Pahirau | Ab Suphala Chadi Kaha Semar
Kau Dhau || Sagar Ki Lahari Chadi
Ccheelar Kasa Nyahau | Sur Koor Andharau
Mei Dhwar Paryau Gau ||