Sunday 6 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of the practice of devotion and worship of Lord Sri Hari


Chapter – 219-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The significance of the practice of devotion and worship of Lord Sri Hari

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, I am a helpless Jeeva, taken shelter at your lotus feet, I have no intellect, wisdom, fame, or power,  you are not willing to shower your compassionate grace upon me, then who will protect me from the sufferings of the worldly existence/Thapathraya? Oh! Sharanagathavathsal, you are the Lord of the Universe and its living and non-living things, you are the savior of them, even the grass beneath the water current in the river would provide help to those who are floating and sinking under the water, it would provide courage to hold on to the person sinking in the water. The grass grown on the sides of the brimming river does not abandon the person who has taken shelter in it, it would protect the person from sinking. Oh! Prabhu, Oh! Lord of the Universe, I was describing the compassion of the grass of your creation, you are unconquerable, you are eternal, pure, free from dualities, unblemished, impartial, Oh! Prabhu, I am ignorant and dull-minded, I did not strive to achieve the fruitfulness of life/the four Purusharththa/Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha, and I feel ashamed and distressed to stand before you, I did not practice austerities, meditation, contemplation, devotion, worship of your lotus feet, or sing in praise of your glories, I did not observe vows, celibacy, truthfulness, non-violence, learn sacred texts and Veda, or self-control, I was driven afar from you chasing after the worldly matters of infinite sound, passion, smell, touch, and appearances, sadly, I did not satisfy my senses. Oh! Prabho, the disrespect of Santh, Mahathma, noble souls, preceptors, and  mockery of the practice of devotion and faith in Lord Sri Hari, etc. by the people pushes me into extreme pain and agony day and night, it compels me to shriek at the people who crack jokes at the practice of devotion, meditation ‘Who has not achieved liberation from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births, after taking shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Gopal?”

Thahu Sakucha Sarana Aaye Ki Hoth Ju Nipata Nikaja | Jadhdhyapi Budhibala Bibhava Bihunau Bahath Kripakari Laj || Thrina Jada Malina Bahath Bapu Rakhau Nija Kar Gahai Ju Jayi | Kaisau Kool Mool Aasritha Kau  Thajai Aapu Akulayi? Thuma Prabhu Ajitha Aanadhi Lokapathi Hau  Ajana Mathiheena | Kacchuva Na Hoth Nikata Utha Lagath Magana Hotha Itha Dheena || Parihasa Soola Prabala Nisibasara Thathau Yaha Kahi Aavath | Surdas Gopal Saranagath Bhaye Na Ko Gathi Pavath ||