Monday 7 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – There is no grief other than the three kinds such as 1) grief caused by illnesses, fear of death, and separation from beloved ones, 2) grief caused by the attachment to possession, richness, wealth, money, wife, fame, children, relatives, companions, etc. in their absence 3) grief caused by natural calamities, drought, famine, flood, woodfire, earthquake, epidemic etc.


Chapter – 222-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – There is no grief other than the three kinds such as 1) grief caused by illnesses, fear of death, and separation from beloved ones, 2) grief caused by the attachment to possession, richness, wealth, money, wife, fame, children, relatives, companions, etc. in their absence 3) grief caused by natural calamities, drought, famine, flood, woodfire, earthquake, epidemic, etc.


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Sri Hari, I have been drenched in worldly matters of fleeting nature, I am ignorant and dull-minded, and I did not utilize the precious birth as a human received after several pieties to achieve the four Purusharththa/Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha, instead, I have soaked in worldly matters of possession, richness, fame, money, wealth, children, wife, companion and relatives, of fleeting nature. Oh! Prabho, you are Antharyami/resides as a soul in the Jeeva, you are the source of the functioning of the mind, intellect, chiththa, Ahamkara, vital air/Prana, Karma and Gnanendhriyas, etc. you are all-pervasive supreme Bhramam, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, how can I hide my action, thought and words, from you? How did I explain the sins committed in each and every second? I was drenched in illusion, I was soaked in Mrigathrishna/the illusion that all those infinite sounds, smell, passion, appearance, and touch are real, alas! that was merely a dream. Oh! Prabho, I am worn out of Thapathraya/three kinds of grief 1) grief caused by an epidemic, famine, drought, flood, woodfire, earth-quake, etc. – Adhidheivik 2) grief caused by aging, illnesses, fear of death, and separation from the beloved ones – Adhyathmik and 3) grief caused by possession, wealth, richness, money, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives - Adhibhauthik.  Oh! Prabho, I have no one to protect me from the bottomless ocean of worldly existence, I have neither ferry nor ferryman, I have been stuck in the middle of an ocean of worldly existence, and I am helpless, kindly protect me from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births.”

Hamari  Thum Kau Laj Hari | Janath Hau Prabhu Antharjami Jo Mohi Manjj Pari || Apane Auguna Kaha Lau Baranau Pal Pal Dhagi Dhari | Athi Prapancha Ki Mot Bandhi Kai  Apanau Seesa Dhari || Khechanahara Na Khevat Merau Ab Mo Nach Ari | Surdas Prabhu Thava Charanani Ki Aas Lagi Ubari ||