Wednesday 9 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The impurities of the mind


Chapter – 224-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The impurities of the mind


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, I did not follow righteousness after achieving the precious life as a human. I am disgraceful, wicked, deceitful, unfortunate, lustful, drenched in worldly matters of fleeting nature. I have committed several sins by words, mind, and deeds, I have not followed any of the austerities, truthfulness, Astheyam, Ahimsa, I have not observed vows, celibacy, self-control, non-violence, etc.  I was soaked in lust, desire, ego, anger, jealousy, pride, Ahamkara, and Mamakara. Oh! Prabho, I have stolen money from the travelers and killed them, I was uncontrollable, had no control over my senses, ignorant, arrogant, dull-minded, chasing after worldly matters of possession, richness, money, fame, wealth, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. I was chained in Mohapasha/noose of worldly bondage. Oh! Prabho, I have taken great pleasure in gossip, rumors, gambling, etc. I was merciless, a sinner, and hated by all and I did not respect preceptors, Guru, Santh, or Mahathma. Oh! Prabho, I am drenched in lust, desire, ego, anger, jealousy, pride, etc. I made false promises, and I look for every opportunity to argue and fight. Oh! Prabho, I have taken great pleasure in worldly matters, chasing after material and physical pleasures, and accumulating wealth in immoral ways. I did not spend the wealth for charity, I did not use it for myself, or I did not feed others with that money. Oh! Prabho, I invited trouble with others, I push others into troubles and arguments, I did not take pleasure in others’ happiness, and I feel jealous of others’ wellness. Oh! Prabho, I am stubborn, hungry, and always seek pleasure in meals, I have been born into a lowly clan, ignorant, dull-minded, and repeatedly cry over my bad luck. I am drenched in illusion/Mrigathrishna, and I spread my hand before others, and lazy too. Oh! Prabho, I influence people at ease, I eat meals to my heart’s content I did not leave a single thing to eat, be it good or bad, and go to deep slumber. I influence people to do good deeds, and I lecture righteousness but I don’t follow them. I have portrayed myself as a saintly person, unfortunately, I did not follow austerities or disciplines in my life. Oh! Prabho, I am heartless and find mistakes in others easily, I do not look upon my fault. I am selfish and dull-witted, penniless, wicked, and unsatisfied. Oh! Prabho, I am arrogant, I have no intelligence or strength, hence I do push myself into darkness and others too. I did not hesitate to eat the vomit like worldly matters or adopt those unwanted habits that were abandoned once. Oh! Prabho, I did not respect the saintly people or preceptors, I am wicked and ignorant, I am a coward, selfish Jeeva taken great pleasure in material and physical pleasures. Oh! Prabho, I seek opportunities to argue and fight, I keep dangerous secrets, I do not waste opportunities to disgrace others, I steal and evil-minded did not take pleasure in the association of noble souls. I have looted the wealth and happiness of others; I get jealous of others’ happiness and peace. Oh!Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, I am a pandora box of immoral habits, I did not explain them all.”


Prabhu Ju Hau Tho Maha Adharmi | Apath Uthar Abhagau Kami  Bishayi Nipat Kukarmi || Ghathi Kutila Teed Athi Krodhi Kapati Kumathi Julayi| Auguna Ki Kacchu Soch Na Sanka Badau Dhushta Aanyayi || Batpari Daga Chor Uchakka Gadi Kata Ladvasi | Chanchal Chapala Chabayi Chaupata Liye Moha Ki Phasi || Chugala Jwari Nirdhaya Aparadhi Jootau Khotau Khoota | Lobhi Laudha Mukagva Jjagaru Badau Padailau Loota || Lampata  Dhoorth, Pootha Dhambari Kau Kaudi Kaudi Jorau | Kripana Suma Nahi Khayi Khachavai Khayi Mari Kai Aurai || Langar Deed Gumani Tootak Maha Masakhara Rookha | Machala Akalai Moola Apathar Khau Khau Karai Bhookha || Nirdhana Neecha Kulaja Dhurbudhdhi Bhondhu Nitha Kau Roau | Thrishna Hath Pasare Nisidhin Pet Bhare Par Soau || Bath Banavan Kau Hai Neekau Bachana Rachana Samujjavai | Khadh Akhadh Na Cchadau Ab Lau Sab Mei Sadhu Kahavai || Maha Kador Sunya Hridhau Kau Dhosha Dhena Kau Neekau |Badau Krithaghni Aur Nirambha Bedhana Rakau Pheekau || Maha Mathth Budhdhibala Kau Heenau Dhekhi Karai Andhera | Bamanahi Khayi Khayi So Darai Bhasha  Kahi Kahi Dera || Mooka Nindha Nigoda Bhoda Kayar Kama Banavai | Kalaha Kuhi  Bhoosha Rogi Aru  Kahu Naiku Na  Bhavai || Paranindhaka Paradhana Kau Dhrohi Parasampathani Chorau | Auguna Aur Bahuth Hai Mo  Mei Kahyau Sur Mei Thorau ||