Sunday 4 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The bottomless ocean of worldly existence is contaminated with the evilness of the Kali era, and the Santh Mahathma and noble souls are the purifiers of Jeeva


Chapter – 256-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The bottomless ocean of worldly existence is contaminated with the evilness of the Kali era, and the Santh Mahathma and noble souls are the purifiers of Jeeva


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari,  I have been drenched in lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride, anger Ahamhara, Mamakara, chasing after infinite sounds, appearances, touches, smells, and passions, now I have reached the later years of age, I am helpless, my limbs are weak not cooperating with the mind, the senses are not working like before, my movements are restricted, I have become dependent on people to perform my routine, I am sinking in the ocean of worldly existence, why are you not responding to my cries? Oh! Dheenabandhu, Oh! Kripanidhi, kindly remove the grief and sufferings of your servant, I have been stuck in the deep cave of  Mamatha/Mamakara, which was filled with the drops of desires/Kamanaroopi, created a brimming river of endless desires/Moharoopi. I am sinking in the grief and sufferings of worldly existence, I have no one to protect other than the preceptors, Santh, Mahathma, and noble souls, all I feel solace in the nectar-like words of saintly people, the Krodh/anger and greed/Lobha resembles the drains inviting me, I am carried away by the waters of Moharoopi Mrigathrishna, and burning my body day and night, Oh! Prabho, the stream of worldly existence has become toxic, polluted with lust, desire, ego, anger, pride, jealousy, Ahamkara and Mamakara, and the evilness of Kali era, I am sinking in the contaminated waters of worldly existence, Oh! Prabho, you are the savior of the distressed souls, kindly protect me from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births.”

Ab Mohi  Majjath Kyau Na  Ubarau | Dheenabandhu Karunanidhi Swami Jan Ke Dhukh Nivarau || Mamatha Ghata Moha Ki  Boondhe Saritha Maina Aparau | Boodath Kathahu Thaha Nahi Pavath Gurujan Aut Udharau || Garajath Krodha Lobha Kau Narau Soojath Kahu Na  Utharau | Thrishna Thaditha Chamaki Cchanhi Cchan Aha Nisi Yaha Thana Jarau || Yaha Bhavajala Kalimalahi Gahe Hai Borath Sahasa PRakarau | Surdas Pathithani Ke Sangi Biradhah Nath ! Samharau ||