Sunday 11 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – Who is a spiritual seeker? Paramarththa Thaththva/The absolute truth?


Chapter – 267-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –Who is a spiritual seeker? Paramarththa Thaththva/The absolute truth?

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Murari, kindly protect me from the sufferings of worldly existence, the accumulated sins of my previous births pushed me into the cycles of births in different wombs, in each birth I was got attached to the body and soaked in illusion. The fortunate ones are the seekers of absolute truth/Paramarththa, and their pure intellect would take complete shelter in them, eventually, the Prana/vital air retires from worldly matters of infinite sounds, passions, touches, appearances, and sounds, instantly the Janana Marana/cycles of birth, Karma Vasana/deeds, and the attributes, would turn into ashes, and all those desires and attachment to Samsara would disappear. The intellect would dance in extreme bliss, and sing in praise of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Prabho, Oh! Shyamsundar, I do not know your various amusements, but my pure love and devotion at your lotus feet would change my life.”

Ab Meri  Rakhau Laj Murari | Sankat Mei Ika Sankat Upajau Kahai Miraga Sau Nari || Aur Kacchu Ham Janathi Nahi AAyi Sarana Thihari | Ulati Pavana Jab Bavar Jariyau Swan Chalyau Sir Jjari || Nachana Koodhana Mrigini Lagi Charanakamala Par Vari | Sursyama Prabhu Abigathaleela Aapuhi Aapu Savari ||