Sunday 11 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The disparities between the river waters and the water in the drain would disappear the moment it unites with the sacred river Ganga


Chapter – 266-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The disparities between the river waters and the water in the drain would disappear the moment it unites with the sacred river Ganga

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, kindly do not look at my sins, you are impartial to your devotees, you are precious Parasmani that turn the impure metal into the precious yellow metal. The Parasmani does not look differently at the idol in the worship place and the knife in the butcher’s shop, it would turn both of them into precious yellow metal at the touch of it. Oh! Prabho, pure water run through the river creating various water courses, and the dirty water stagnate in the drain, would end up in the sacred river Ganga in due course of time, once it is united with the river Ganga, the disparities between the river and drain water would disappear and collectively known as Gangajal. Oh! Prabho, the soul is Bhramaswaroopa/ you are all-pervasive supreme Bhramam resides as a soul, and all the material matters and body is illusion/Maya, the Jeeva drenched in illusion fails to recognize the Bhramaswaroopa/soul within which is pure, unblemished, eternal, flawless. Oh! Prabho, kindly remove my Ahamkara and Mamakara, the impurities of the mind such as lust, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, and anger, and liberate me from the sufferings of worldly existence.”

Hamare Prabhu Auguna Chith Na Dharau | Samadharsi Hai Nama Thumharau  Soyi Par Karu || Ika Loha Pooja  Mei Rakhath Ika Dhar Badhika Parau | So Dhubidha Paras Nahi Janath Kanchana Karath Kharau || Ika Nadhiya Ika Nar Kahavath Maiau Neer Bharau | Jab Mili  Gaye Thab Yek Barana Hyau Ganga Nama Parau || Than Maya Jyau Bhrama  Kahavath Sur Su Mili Bigarau | Kai Inkoau Niradhara Keejai Kai PranaJath Darau ||