Monday 12 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The body is perishable, and all the imaginary relationships with it - The impermanent things cannot provide permanent bliss


Chapter – 268-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The body is perishable, and all the imaginary relationships with it - The impermanent things cannot provide permanent bliss

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, I was overpowered by your Maya, hence I have lost the precious birth as a human achieved after several pieties, I was drenched in lust, desire, ego, anger, jealousy, pride, Ahamkara, and Mamakara. Oh! Prabho, I was ignorant, I have invested my whole life in decorating the house/body, I have installed golden Kalasha, and marvelous paintings to multiply its beauty.  Alas, the moment the body lost the Prana/vital air, I was thrown out of that house, the woman I was taken as wife promised to give up her life with me had withdrawn from her promises,  instead, she abandoned me and claimed my possessions, wealth, money, and richness, and spent the rest of her life with her relatives.  While living with my wife, she has stolen my intellect, after the life she has turned her face from me. Oh! Prabho, I lived my entire life pleasing my wife, children, relatives, and companions, I have gone out of the way to help them and became famous among them, alas! at the deathbed, they could not save me from the fear of death. Oh! Prabho, my mother gave painful birth to me, and showered an abundance of love and affection with several expectations, after her death, I have taken away even her waist ornament, and set fire to her body. Oh! Prabho, you are the savior of distressed Jeeva and liberated Ganika/the prostitute, but you have abandoned me. Oh! Prabho, I am ashamed of my life, I did not utilize the precious birth to achieve the four Purusharththa, I did not utter your sacred name not even by mistake.”

Hari Binu Koau Kama Na  Aayau | IhiMaya Jooti Prapancha Lagi Rathana Sau Janama Gavayau || Kanchana Kalasa Bichithra  Chithra Kari Rachi Pachi Bhavana Banayau | Thamei Thai Thathcchana Hi  Kadyau Pal Bhar Rahana Na  Payau || Hau Thava  Sanga  Jaraugi Yau Kahi Thiya Dhoothi Dhana Khayau | Chalath Rahi Chith Chori Mori Mukha Yek Na  Paga Pahuchayau || Boli  Boli Sutha  Swajana Mithrajana Leenyau Sujasa Suhayau | Parththyau  Ju Kaj Anthaki Biriya Thinahu Na AaniChudayau || Asa Kari Kari  Janani Jayau Kotika Lad Ladayau | Their Liyau Katihu Kau  Dora  ThaparaBadhana Jarayau || Pathitha Udhdharana Ganika Tharana So Mei Sad Bisarayau | Liyau Na  Nama Kabahu Dhokheau Hu  Surdas Pacchithayau ||