Friday 9 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The ultimate cause for the grief is 1) endless desires and attachment to worldly matters 2) lack of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari


Chapter – 263-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The ultimate cause for the grief is 1) endless desires and attachment to worldly matters 2) lack of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “ Oh! Sri Hari, Oh! Prabho, finally I have understood the reason for my constant grief and agony, Oh! Giridharlal,  I have not practiced pure love and devotion at your lotus feet and I did not leave my attachments to possession, wealth, money, fame, children, wife, companion, and relatives, I have not stopped chasing the material and physical pleasures. Oh! Prabho, when I was wealthy, all I was doing to appease my senses and satisfy the people around me, I did not conduct journeys to the sacred land of Vraja, or I did not serve Santh, Mahathma, and preceptors, or I did not contribute to the service of your devotees, Bhramins, and cows. Oh! Prabho, when I was young and wealthy, I built a marvelous house and filled it with all the luxuries, I was always seeking pleasure from women, attached to children, relatives, brothers, etc. I did not strive to be in the association of Sathpurusha, Santh, or Mahathma, or I did not find interest in singing in praise of you or listening to your glorious legends, I was ignorant, and I did not understand the scheme of Vidhatha, as the years passed by, I have lost wealth as well as strength. I have been assimilating wealth in all improper ways, I have taken away the wealth of others, I have performed all the Dharma as well as Adharmic deeds, and finally, all those became unbearable, and ultimately I have lost my serenity. Oh! Prabho, I am unfortunate, dull-minded, and wicked, my heart became the vessel filled with the waters of Thrishna/endless desires and the evilness of the Kali Era. Oh! Prabho, I have no one to protect me, kindly liberate me from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births.”


Hari Ju Hau Yathau Dhukhapathra | Sri Giridharana Charanrathi Na Bhayi Thaji Bishaya Rasa Mathra || Huthau Aadya Thab Kiyau Asadhbyaya Kari Na Braja Bana  Jathra | Poshe Nahi Thuva Dhasa Prema Sau  Poshyau Apanau Gathra || Bhavana Savari Nariras Lobhyau Sutha Bahan Jana  Brathra | Mahanubhava Nikata Nahi Parase Janyau Na Kritha Bidhathra || Cchal Bal Kari Jitha Thitha Hari Paradhana Dhayau Sab Dhina Rathra | SudhdhaSudhdha Bojj Bahu Bahyau Sir Krishi Ju Kari Lai  Dhathra || Hridhaya Kucheela Kamabhu Thrishnajala Kalimala Hai  Pathra | Yese Kumathi Jat Suraj Ko Na Dhathra||