Friday 9 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The excessive attachment to worldly matters drive away devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari


Chapter – 263-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The excessive attachment to worldly matters drive away devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Gopal, I know one thing, you are unpleased with me and don’t want to reside in my heart, because my heart always seeks opportunities to appease my senses, because I am impure, drenched in lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride, anger, Ahamkara, and Mamakara,  so I am inauspicious. I have lost the goodness to address myself as your devotee because I did not engage in any of the moral deeds, austerities, vows, Shamadhamadhi, swadhyaya,  etc. I did not take up worship or singing in praise of you, hence it would be unfair to address me as your sincere devotee,  it would be like an unwanted creeper around the plantain tree, a lion among the herd of cows, a materialistic person among the saintly, eventually, I have driven afar from you. Oh! Prabho, if the son of the King turned out mendicant, it would affect the King only, just like that  If I turned out unworthy,  and distressed, it would bring disgrace to you. Oh! Prabho, you are the Lord of the Universe, and its living and non-living things, you are the protector, and you are father and mother to the Jeeva, hence kindly provide shelter at your lotus feet.”

Mere Hridhaya  Nahi Aavath Hau He Gupala Hau  Ithani Janath | Kapati Kripana Kucheela Kudharshana Dhin Udi Bishaya Basana Banath || Kadhali Kantaka Sadhu Asadhuhi Kehari Kai Sanga Dhenu Bandhane | Yaha Bipareeth Jani Thuma Jan Ki Anthar Dhai Bicha  Rahe Lukane || Jo Raja Sutha Hoyi Bhikhari  Laj Parai The Jayi Bikane | Surdas Prabhu Apane Jan Kau Kripa Karabhu Jau Lehu Nidhane ||