|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Lalitha
who is beloved of Lord Shiva, she is most favourable to Lord Shiva and she is
fervent devotee of Lord Shiva, she is fond of Lord Shiva, she is most pleasing
to Lord Shiva, she is merriment of Lord Shiva, she is the essence of Lord
Shiva, she is divine who symbolizes precious jewel decked on the hair locks,
she is flawless and inseparable from Lord Shiva, she symbolizes Lord Shiva as
well as Shivaa, she is dearest darling of Lord Shiva, she remains different
from Lord Shiva, she has attained half of the body of the Lord Shiva, she is
subservient to Lord Shiva, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she is fond of
reciting sacred names of Lord Shiva, she is the source of nearness to Lord
Shiva, she is Shivashakthi who is Shiva as well as Shakthi, she is
authoritative to Lord Shiva, she is
Shivaa and Kameshvari as well, she is Yogeeshvari/supreme ascetic who immerses
in Yogic practices, she is submissive to the commands of Lord Shiva, she has
profound knowledge in the beliefs and teachings of Lord Shiva, she is fond of
Shiva Panchakshara, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she immerses in the services
to Lord Shiva, she is inseparable and essential part of the limbs of Lord
Shiva, she is immensely devoted to Lord Shiva, she is the provider of well
being to her worshiper, she represents passionate sport of Lord Shiva, she
symbolizes treasure house of Lord Shiva, she is inseparable and dependent to
Lord Shiva, she symbolizes amorous sport of Lord Shiva, she represents all
kinds of art forms of Lord Shiva, she lures the heart of Lord Shiva with her mesmerizing beauty, she is
the provider of auspiciousness to worshiper, she is divine personified as Sri
Lalitha, she is nectar to the eyes of Lord Shiva, she is precious
Chinthamani/jewel to LordShiva, she shines in the heart of Lord Shiva, she is
unblemished and she is the source of happiness and auspiciousness, she is
intensely devoted to Lord Shiva, she is immensely delighted in the worship
Shivalinga, she is immensely pleased to remain in the embrace of Lord Shiva,
she gets immensely pleased in contemplating upon Lord Shiva, she dwells in the
abode of Lord Shiva, she is the empress in the abode of Lord Shiva, she is most
pleasing to Lord Shiva, she is fearless and determined, she fulfils all the
commands of Lord Shiva, she is gorgeous with attractive limbs, she is the
fortune of Lord Shiva, she immerses in the divine sounds of Lord Shiva, she
immerses in the meditation upon Lord Shiva, she is easily attainable to the
devotees of Lord Shiva, she is beloved of devotees of Lord Shiva, she shower
auspicious grace on the devotees of Lord Shiva, she symbolizes bliss of Lord
Shiva, she remains extremely delighted in the brilliance of Lord Shiva, she is
attractive young woman in the Shivashailam/Kailash, she symbolizes fully
blossomed lotus flower in the presence of Lord Shiva, she resides in the
superior abode of Lord Shiva, she is the life force of Lord Shiva, she
symbolizes abundance of meritorious rewards and lineage of Lord Shiva, she gets
pleased in decorating with the beads of Rudraksha, she is auspicious and
remains eternal beauty, she imparts the knowledge and belief of Lord Shiva to
the passionate devotees of Lord Shiva, she is charming consort of Lord Shiva,
she entices Lord Shiva with her mesmerizing beauty, she rules the empire of the
abode of Lord Shiva, she is Bhramavidhya, she delightfully witnesses the cosmic
dance of Lord Shiva, she is the essence of beliefs and philosophy of Lord
Shiva, she is deserved to be venerated, she is the female force of Lord Shiva,
she is highly enthusiastic to perform the tasks of Lord Shiva, she imparts the
knowledge on scriptures of Lord Shiva,
she is Janani who is the mother of the Universe, she is most pleasing to Lord
Shiva, she always works for the welfare of Lord Shiva, she is the source of
brilliance of Lord Shiva, she has great effulgence, she is the source of
delight of Lord Shiva, she symbolizes the pleasure of Lord Shiva, she has
everlasting youth, she symbolizes Kalpavalli/wish fulfing creeper , she worships Lord Shiva with the
leaves of sacred bale, she eradicates the miseries and sorrows of ardent
devotees of Lord Shiva, she is the delight for the eyes of Lord Shiva, she
symbolizes compassion and wealth, she is eternal bliss, she symbolizes nectar ,
she represents full moon in the ocean of
fortune of Lord Shiva, she is Shivashakthi and Lalitha as well, she immerses in
the amorous sport with Lord Shiva and finds immense pleasure in their
passionate sport with him, she symbolizes precious gem of armorous sport of
Lord Shiva, she has large and high raised bossom, she has beautiful lotus like
feet decorated in Laksharasa, she steals the intellect of Lord Shiva with her
mesmerizing features, she has beautiful and dense plait of long curly hair that
quivers attractively, she fulfils all the desires of the worshiper, she bestows
abundance of boons with her lotus hands which resembles to creepers of Kalpaka,
she is capable to eradicate severe perils and miseries, she symbolizes
Amritha/nectar which cures all the miseries and grief of worshiper, her endless
glories are eulogized by illustrious
Shivayogi Sage Durvassa, she is flawless, she is inseparable consort of Lord
Shiva, she symbolizes ocean of supreme knowledge and wisdom, she is worshiped
by ardent devotees of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Bhrama, and Lord Indhra, she is Shivamaya who is the
slayer of demon Mahishasura, she has acquired immense courage from Lord Shiva
to eradicate the demon Shumbha, she imparts
knowledge and wisdom through the
milk that is enriched with supreme wisdom and knowledge in the faith and
philosophies of Lord Shiva, she is eulogized by Lord Shiva, ardent devotees of
Lord Shiva, Nandikeshvara and Sage Bhringi, she is beautifully smeared in
sacred ashes, she is Maha Thripurasundari who enlightens devotees with the
knowledge and belief of Lord Shiva, Oh!
Mune, these are the hundred and eight sacred names of Goddess Sri Lalitha, she
eradicates sins of various births, these sacred names will highly pleases
Goddess Lalitha Thripurasundari, it provides all kinds of auspiciousness to
worshiper, it eradicates all kinds of illness and grief, whoever recites or listens
to it would get their desires fulfilled.
Shivapriya Shivaradhya Shiveshta
Shivakomala | Shivothsava Shivarasa Shivadhivya Shikhamani: ||
Shivapoornna Shivaghana Shivastha
Shivavallabha | Shivabhinna Shivardhangi Shivadheena Shivankari ||
Shivanama Japasaktha Shivasannidhyakarini
| Shivashakthi: Shivadhyaksha Shivakameshvari Shivaa ||
Shivayogeeshvari Devi
Shivajjyavashavarththini | Shivavidhyathi Nipuna Shivapanchakshara Priya ||
Shiva Saubhagyasampanna Shiva
Kaingaryakarini | Shivangastha Shivasaktha Shivakaivalya Dhayini ||
Shivakreeda Shivanidhi: Shivashraya
Samanvitha | Shivaleela Shivakala Shivakantha Shivapradha ||
Shivasrilalitha Devi Shivasya Nayanamritha
| Shivachinthamanipadha Shivasya Hridhayojjvala ||
Shivoththama Shivakara Shivakama
Prapoorini | Shivalingarchanapara Shivalingana Kauthuki ||
Shivalokana Santhushta Shivalokanivasini
| Shivakailasanagara Swamini Shivaranjjini ||
Shivasyaho Purushika Shivasankalpa
Pooraka | Shivasaundharya Sarvangi Shiva Saubhagya Dhayini ||
Shiva Shabdhaikaniratha
Shivadhyanaparayana | Shivabhakthaika Sulabha Shivabhaktha Janapriya ||
Shivanugraha Sampoornna Shivanandha
Rasarnnava | Shivaprakasha Santhushta Shivashaila Kumarika ||
Shivasya Pankajarkkabha Shiva Anthapura
Nivasini | Shiva Jeevathukalika Shivapunya Parampara ||
Shivakshamala Samthriptha Shiva
Nithyamanohara | Shiva Bhaktha Shivajjyana Pradha Shivavilasini ||
Shiva Sammohanakari Shivasamrajyashalini
| Shiva Sakshath Bhramavidhya Shivathandava Sakshini ||
Shiva Marga Thathvajja Shivamanya
Shivathmika | Shiva Karyaika Chathura Shivashasthra Pravarththaka ||
Shivaprasadha Janani Shivasya Hithakarini
| Shivojjala Shivajyothi: Shivabhoga Sugamkari ||
Shivasya Nithyatharuni Shiva
Kalpakavallari | Shiva Bilvarchanakari
Shivabhaktharthi Bhanjjani ||
Shivakshi Kumudhajyosna Shiva Sri
Karunakara | Shivanandha Sudhapoornna Shivabagyabdhi Chandhrika ||
Shiva Shakthaika Lalitha Shiva Kreeda
Rasojjvala | Shiva Prema Maharathna Kadinya Kalashasthani ||
Shiva Lalitha Lakshardhra Charanambuja
Komala | Shiva Chiththaika Harana Vyalola Ghana Venika ||
Shivabheeshta Pradhana Sri
Kalpakavallikarambuja | Shivethara Mahathapa Nirmoola Amrithavarshini ||
Shivayogeendhra Durvasa Mahimna Sthuthi
Thoshitha | Shiva Sampoornna Vimala Jyana Dhugdhabdhishayini ||
Shivabhakthagraganyesha Vishnu
Bhramendhra Vandhitha | Shivamayasamakrantha Mahishasura Mardhini ||
Shivadhaththa Balonmaththa Shumbhadhya
Suranashini | Shiva Dhvijarbhaka Sthanya Gnana Ksheera Pradhayini ||
Shivathi Priya Bhakthadhi Nandhi
Bhringiridisthutha |Shivanala Samadhbhootha Bhasmodhoolitha Vigraha ||
Shivagnanabdhi Parajja Mahathripura
Sundhari | Ithyeth Lalitha Namnam Ashtotharam Shatham Mune ||
Aneka Janma Papagnam Lalitha Preethi
Dhayakam | Sarvaishvarya Pradham Nrinam Adhi Vyadhi Nivaranam ||
Ya: Marththya: Padyathe Nithyam Sarvan
Kaman Avapnuyath ||
|| Ithi Sri Lalithopakhyane
Sthothrakhande Sri Lalitha Ashothara Shathanama Dhivya Sthothram Sampoornnam ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||