Saturday 22 September 2018

Sri Mahakala Bhairavashtakam /Theekshnadhamshtra Kalabhairavashtakam– Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of the  sacred  shrine of Kashi, I shall repeatedly prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is Lord of living beings, and Lord of spirits as well,  I shall repeatedly prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is beyond time, he is adorned in skulls as garlands, he is dearest darling of Goddess Kalika, he has dreadful appearance and he is formidable, I shall reverentially pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Yam’,he is Yaksharoopa, he represents ten directions,  he quivers the earth with his immense vigor, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Sam’, he is Samharamoorthi who undertakes the function of destruction of Universe and its living beings at the end of Yuga, he has reddish brown matted hair locks, he is adorned in crescent moon on matted hair locks, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Dham’, he has long stature, he has unique and frightening appearance and nails, spiky hairs and dreadful appearance, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Pam’, he is the destroyer of sins of the worshiper who are surrendered at his lotus feet, I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of the sacred shrine Kashi, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Ram’ he has the complexion of blood red, his waist is decorated with bells, he has fierce protruding teeth, he has dreadful appearance, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Gham’ he produces boisterous voices, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable’Gha’, he produces alarming noises, I shall pronounces the sacred syllables ‘Kam’, he holds Kalapasha, he is firm, he burnt Kamadeva, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Tham’ , he has divine limbs, I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of the sacred shrine Kashi. I shall pronounce the sacred syllables  ‘Lam’ and ‘La’, he has pleasing disposition, he has long insatiable tongue and alarming appearance,  I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Dhoom’, he has the luster of smoke, he has clear and unusually handsome appearance, he has great radiance of Bhaskara, he has colossal form, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Rum’ he is adorned in garland of corpse with no heads, he is impenetrable, he has crimson colored eyes and has frightful appearance, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Nam’, he is attired in directions as garments, I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of the sacred shrine of Kashi, I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava and pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Vam’, he has the speed of wind, he is too merciful and compassionate to people who are surrendered to him, he is absolute Bhramam, he destroys curse and evil spells,  I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Kham’, he is wielded in Khadga, he causes deluge at the end of Yuga, he represents Bhaskara and he has colossal form, I shall pronounce  sacred syllables of ‘Cham’, he is wielded in Mount Meru as bow, and  Earth as grand chariot, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Mam’, he causes illusion, I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of sacred shrine Kashi. I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Sham’, he is wielded in Shankha, he has the luster of moon, he is the source of liberation from repeated births, he has great effulgence, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Mam’, he causes deluge at the end of Yuga, he is beyond illustrious clan and sacred chants, he is highly confidential, he is eternal, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Yam’, he is Bhoothanatha, he is supreme bliss, he performs various amusements, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Am’, he represents sky, I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of sacred shrine of Kashi, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Sam’ , he represents Siddha and Yoga, he is store house of virtues, he represents fire sacrifices, he is Lord of Lords, he has most desirable appearance too, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables ‘Pam’, his eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower petals, he represents Hari and Hara, he has Surya, Chandhra, and Agni as eyes, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Aim’, he represents Lord of wealth, he symbolizes auspiciousness, he eradicates extreme fears and anxieties, he is primordial, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of  ‘Raum’ he has dreadful appearance, I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of sacred shrine of Kashi, I shall pronounce  the sacred syllables of ‘Ham’, he rides on the vehicle drawn by swan, he produces loud laughs, sounds and formidable, he is the source of liberation from repeated births, I shall produce the sacred syllables ‘Dham’, he has unique eyes, he has reddish brown matted hair locks and long hands, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of  ‘Tham’, he produces the sounds of  Dakka, he is smeared in sacred ashes on forehead, he crushed the pride of Kamadeva, I shall pronounce the sacred syllables of ‘Bhrum’, he is Bhoothanatha, I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Bhairava who is the guardian of sacred shrine of Kashi.

Namo Bhoothanatham  Namo Prethanatham | Nama:  Kalakalam Nama: Rudramalam | Nama: Kalika Premalolam Karalam | Namo Bhairavam Kashika Kshethrapalam ||

Yam Yam  Yam Yaksharoopam Dhashadhishividhitham  Bhoomakambayamanam | Sam Sam Samharamoorthim Shiramuktajata Shekharam Chandhrabimbam | Dham Dham Dham  Dheerghakayam Vikrithanakha Mukham  Chordhvaromam Karalam | Pam Pam  Pam Papanasham Pranamatha  Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

Ram Ram  Ram Rakthavarnnam  Katikatithathanum Theekshna Dhamshtrakaralam | Gham Gham  Gham Ghosha Ghosham Gha Gha Gha Gha Ghatitham  Gharjjaram  Ghoranadham | Kam Kam Kam  Kalapasham  Dhruk Dhruk  Driditham  Jwalitham  Kamadhaham | Tham Tham  Tham Dhivyadheham Pranamatha Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

Lam Lam  Lam Lam  Vadhantham La La La  La Lalitham Dheergha Jihva  Karalam | Dhoom Dhoom  Dhoom Dhoomravarnnam  Sputa  Vikatamukham  Bhaskaram  Bheemaroopam | Rum Rum Rum Rundamalam  Ravithamaniyatham  Thamranethram  Karalam | Nam Nam Nam Nagnabhoosham  Pranamatha Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

Vam Vam Vayuvegam  Nathajana Sadhayam Bhramasaram Parantham | Gham Gham  Khadgahastham Thribhuvana Vilayam Bhaskaram Bheemaroopam | Cham Cham  Chalithva Achala Chala Chalitha Chalitham  Bhoomichakram | Mam Mam  Mayiroopam  Pranamatha  Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

Sham sham Sham Shankhahastham  Shashikaradhavalam Moksha Sampoornna Thejam | Mam Mam Mam Mam Mahantham  Kulamakulakulam Manthraguptham  Sunithyam | Yam Yam Yam  Bhoothanatham Kilikilikilitham  Balakeli Pradhahanam | Am Am Am Anthareeksham Pranamatha Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

Kham Kham  Kham Khadgabhedham Visham Amrithamayam Kalakalam  Karalam | Ksham Ksham  Ksham  Kshipravegam Dhahadhahadhaham  Thaptha  Sandheepyamanam | Haum Haum  Haumkaranadham  Prakatitha Gahanam  Garjithair  Bhoomikambam | Bam Bam Bam  Balaleelam Pranamatha Sathatham  Bhairvam Kshethrapalam ||

Sam Sam Sam Siddhiyogam  Sakalagunamakham  Devadevam Prasannam | Pam Pam Pam Padmanabham  Hariharamayanam  Chandhrasooryangi Nethram | Aim Aim Aim Aishvaryanatham  Sathathabhayaharam  Poorvadhevaswaroopam | Raum Raum Raum Raudraroopam Pranamatha Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

Ham Ham Ham  Hamsayanam Hasitha Kalahakam  Mukthayoga Attahasam | Dham Dham  Dham Nethraroopam Shiramukuta Jatabandha Bandhagrahastham | Tham Tham  Dakkanadham  Thridhasha Latalatam Kamagarvapaharam | Bhrum Bhrum Bhrum Bhoothanatham Pranamatha Sathatham  Bhairavam Kshethrapalam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||