Saturday 16 January 2021

Sri Guru Gita – Sri Skandhapuranam Uththarakhanda Umamaheshwara Samvadham – Chapter 3 – Who is entitled to achieve Gurudheeksha/nearness to Guru/Manthradheeksha and the knowledge of Guru Gita?


Chapter – 7 – Sri Guru Gita –71 – 80

Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi, the Jeeva who is completely surrendered at the lotus feet of the preceptor, and sincerely follows the Veda Shastra would get protected from the Ghorapathaka/evilness.  I shall describe the Jeeva who is entitled to achieve Manthradheeksha 1) The Jeeva who is away from Dhussanga/the association of evil and wicked people, and all the Papakarma/evildoing, and intelligent, enthusiastic and Jijjasu to learn the Athmaththava is entitled to achieve the Gurudheeksha.  2) The Jeeva who has achieved Chiththashudhdhi/freed from the interest in worldly matters and bondage, body, and I consciousness, freed from the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya, got rid of interest in infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya, and material matters such as wealth, people, possession, fame, money, etc. and thoroughly understood the concept of ‘Oneness-in-All’/the Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, that has no duality, free from impurities and afflictions have neither birth nor death, pure, unblemished and eternal truth is entitled to achieve Gurudheeksha. 3) The Jeeva who is kind, compassionate, caring to Sarvajeeva/all the living and non-living things in this Universe, pure and innocent is entitled to achieve the Manthradheeksha. I have described the pre-requisites to achieve the nearness to Guru and the need to follow disciplines, austerities, vows, celibacy, contemplation, and meditation, Athmavichara etc. to achieve the Mnthradheeksha which is highly propitious. The sincere worship and selfless service to the preceptor, and please the preceptor with the relentless service would please the deities as well. The Jeeva who is capable or not, already surrendered to the lotus feet of Guru, and sincerely follow his teachings would achieve Bhoga Moksha and all the fruitfulness in the life. Oh! Devi, If you want to please me, kindly impart the glorious verses of Guru Gita to the Jeeva who has Chiththashudhdhi/ pure, good-natured, disciplined, willingness to learn, faith and belief, Mumukshu/earn to achieve Moksha, curious to achieve the Athmajjana. Oh! Shive, The Gitashasthra is superior among all the Shastras, and highly confidential knowledge, and it should be advised to the Mahathma/noble-souls, and Sadhaka who is sincere and enthusiastic to undertake austerities, Shamadhamadhi, meditation and contemplation etc. Oh! Shive, therefore kindly impart the knowledge of  Guru Gita to the Sadhaka who has achieved Chiththashudhdhi with the constant performance of righteous deeds and charities, and has  kindness, compassion and the sense of Oneness-in-all sincerely engages in the customary rites, spiritual and religious practices, meditation and contemplation, etc. thus gets freed from impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya. Oh! Devi, I have explained the methods to achieve the Chiththashudhdhi/purity of mind as well.”


Krithaya Gurubhakthesthu Vedashasthranusaratha: | Muchyathe  Pathakath Ghoradh  Gurubhaktho Visheshatha: ||


Dhussanghashcha  Parithyajya  Papakarmam Parithyajeth | Chiththachihnamidham Yasya Thasya  Dheekshavidheeyathe ||


Chiththa Thyaga  Niyukthashcha  Krodha Garva  Vivarjjitha: | Dhvaithabhava  Parithyagi  Thasya  Dheeksha  Vidheeyathe ||


Yethath Lakshana Samyuktham Sarvabhoothahitham  Ratham | Nirmalam Jeevitham  Yasya Thasya  Dheeksha Vidheeyathe ||


Kriyaya  Chanvitham  Poorvam  Dheekshajalam Niroopitham | Manthradheekshabidham Sangopangam Sarvam  Shivodhitham ||


Kriyaya Syadhvirahitham Guru Sayujyadhayinim | Gurudheeksham Vina Ko Va  Guruthvachara Palaka; ||


Shaktho Na  Chapyashaktho Va Dhaishikanghri Samashrayath | Thasya Janmasthi Saphalam Bhoga Moksha Phalapradham ||


Athyantha Chiththapakvasya  Shradhdha Bhakthi Yuthasya Cha | Pravakthavyamidham Devi ! Mamathma Preethaye Sadha ||


Rahasyam Sarvashasthreshu Geethashasthramidham Shive !  Samyak Pareekshya Vakthavyam Sadhakasya  Mahathmana: ||


Sath Karma  Paripakashcha  Chiththshudhdhasya Dheematha: | Sadhakasyaiva  Vakthavya  Gurugita Prayathnatha: ||