Saturday 16 January 2021

Sri Guru Gita – Sri Skandhapuranam Uththarakhanda Umamaheshwara Samvadham – Chapter 3 - The supreme Bhramam has neither birth nor death, it has no beginning or end, it is beyond Varnna/Bhramana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra, it is beyond Nama, Roopa, Gothra, Gender, religion, differences, emotions, death or birth, Punya or Papa, is omnipresent Bhramam


Chapter – 9 – Sri Guru Gita –81 – 90


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi, the Guru Gita is a highly propitious hymn that should not be shared with the Nasthika/disbeliever, Krithghna/selfish, Shata/fool, Vibhaktha/person lacks devotion, Dhambika/arrogant, Sthreelolupa/lustful, Moorkha/dull, and the Jeeva who have completely lost sense due to excessive lust, Nindhaka/unrespectful.  These kinds of wicked and arrogant people are not entitled to achieve the knowledge of Guru Gita. Oh! Devi, Oh! Shive, I shall describe the fruitfulness of the auspicious Guru Gita 1) It would destroy all the accumulated sins of several births 2) it would remove all the obstacles and troubles, 3) it would protect the Jeeva from the vicious cycles of rebirth. Oh! Shive, Oh! Devi, I have described highly auspicious Vedasara/the essence of Veda in the form of Guru Gita. The complete surrender at the lotus feet of the preceptor is the only way to achieve fruitfulness of life,  and get rid of interest in worldly matters and bondage, body and I consciousness, all the impurities such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya, in order to achieve the knowledge of self/Athma Paramathma, and sincerely follow the teachings of Guru, observe austerities, vows, celibacy, Dhamashamadhi, Swadhyaya, Athmamanthan, etc. thereby get rid of attachment in material matters, richness, wealth, possession, people, fame, money, etc.. and constant miseries and sufferings of worldly existence. It would remove the accumulated sins of several births, and protect the Jeeva from the vicious cycles of Janana, Jara, Vyadhi, Marana, etc. Therefore, the worship of preceptor and selfless service to the preceptor, meditation and contemplation upon the supreme Preceptor is significant to get rid of sufferings of the worldly existence. I shall prostrate before the supreme preceptor who imparts the knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam, the universe and its living and non-living things are initiated from that supreme Bramham, and thereby creates the sense of ‘Oneness-in-all’/Sarvam Bhramamayam. I shall prostrate before the preceptor who imparts the knowledge indestructible Purusha Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, the Universe and its living and non-living things are vested on the all-pervasive Bhramam. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor who enlightens the Jeeva with the knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam which is beyond comparison or description, was eulogized as Nethi, Nethi by Veda and Vedanta. The supreme Bhramam has neither birth nor death, it has no beginning or end, it is beyond Varnna/Bhramana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra, it is beyond Nama, Roopa, Gothra, Gender, religion, differences, emotions, death or birth, Punya or Papa, is omnipresent Bhramam. I shall prostrate before the Gurushekhara who is eternal truth,  Chithathma/pure intellect, Navya, Bhavya, Parathpara, Parambhramam, Shudhdha/pure, buddha/wisdom, Niranjana/unblemished.”


Nasthikaya Krithaghnaya  Dhambhikaya  Sataya Cha | Abhakthaya Vibhakthaya  Na Vachyeayam Kadhachana ||


Sthree lolupaya  Moorkhaya  Kamopahatha Chethasa: | Nindhakaya  Na Vakthavya  Gurugita  Swabhavatha: ||


Sarvapapaprashamanam  Sarvopadhrava Harakam | Janmamrithyuharam Devi  Gitashasthramidham Shive!


Shruthisaramidham Devi ! Sarvamuktham Samasatha: | Nanyatha  Sadhgathi:  Pumsam Vina Gurupadham Shive!


Bahujanmakrithath Papadhayamarththo Na Rochathe | Janma Bandha Nivarthyarththam Gurumeva Bhajeth Sadha ||


Ahameva  Jagathsarvam  Ahameva  Parampadham | Yethajjanam Yatho Bhooyath  Tham Guru Pranamamyaham ||


Alam Vikalpairahameva Kevalo  Mayi Sthiram Vishwamidham Characharam | Idham Rahasyam Mama Yena Dharshitham  Sa Vandhaneeyo Gurureva Kevalam ||


Yasyantham Nadhimadhyam Nahi Karacharanam Namagothram Na Suthram | No Jathirnaiva Varnnam Na Bhavathi Purusho No Napumsam Nacha Sthree ||


Nakaram No Vikaram Nahi Janimaranam Nasthi Punyam Na Papam | Noaththaththvam Thathvamekam Sahaja Samarasam Sadhgurum Tham Namami ||


Nithyaya Sathyaya Chidhathmakaya  Navyaya Bhavyaya Parathparaya | Shudhdhaya Budhdhaya Niranjjanaya  Namosthu Nithyam Gurushekharaya ||