Wednesday 6 January 2021

Sri Guru Gita – Sri Skandhapuranam Uththarakhanda Umamaheshwara Samvadham - Guru is Paramadheivatham, there is no superior Manthra other than the Guru Manthra


Chapter – 8 – Sri Guru Gita – 71 – 80


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi, the disciple who sincerely worship and serve the preceptor achieves the supreme knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam, the Jeeva afar from the preceptor does not understand the Paramarththa Thaththva/knowledge of ‘self, hence I shall prostrate the supreme Preceptor who imparts the knowledge of Bhramam. The Karya Karnaroopa/cause and effect is the supreme Bhramam, the preceptor imparts the knowledge of the all-pervasive Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, which is the single source of the functioning of the mind, intellect, Chitta, Ahamkara, karma, and Gnanendhriyas. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor who introduces the Karya and Karna Paramathma Parambhramam. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor who enlightens the knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam. The Universe and its living and non-living things are vested in the Bhramam which is beyond comparison or description. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor who symbolizes Gnanashakthi, adorned the garland of Thaththvamala, is the provider of Bhukthi/worldly pleasures as well as Mukthi/liberation from the worldly existence to his worshiper. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor who symbolizes Gnananala/blaze of wisdom, destroys the accumulated Karma/Attributes achieved by the Jeeva in several births. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor whose Padhodhaka/water used to wash the feet would dry up the Bhavasindhu/ocean of worldly existence, and enlightens the Jeeva with the knowledge of impermanent nature of Prakrithi/material matters, richness, wealth, money, possession, fame, attachment to wife, children, relatives, and companions, etc. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor whose Thapa, Gnana, Thathva is beyond comparison. Oh! Devi, I shall prostrate before my preceptor Lord Jagannatha, and he is Jagathguru. I am that supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, I am that Sarvabhoothathma. Oh! Devi, I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor, Guru is Adhi/primordial, and eternal as well. Guru is Paramadheivatham, there is no superior Manthra other than the Guru Manthra. I shall prostrate before the supreme Preceptor who is sole Bandhu/companion and relative, during the hours of hardships, Guru is Sakala Dharmathma imparts the knowledge about the duties and responsibilities of the Jeeva prescribed in the scriptures in order to achieve Paramarththa Thaththva and protects the Jeeva from the vicious cycles of rebirth.”


Yasya  Jjatham Matham Thasya  Matham  Yasya  Na Veda  Sa: | Anananya Bhavabhavya  Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Yasmai Karanaroopaya Karyaroopena Bhathi Yath | Karyakarana Roopaya Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Nanaroopamidham Vishwam Na Kenapyasthi Bhinnatha | Karya Karanaroopaya  Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Jjanashakthi Samarooda  Thaththvamala Vibhooshine | Bhukthi Mukthi Pradhathre  Cha Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Aneka Janma Sampraptha Karmabandha  Vidhahine | Jjananala Prabhavena  Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Shoshanam  Bhavasindhoshcha  Dheepanam Kshara Sampadham | Guro:  Padhodhakam Yasya Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Na Gureradhikam Thaththvam Na Guroradhikam Thapa: | Na Guroradhikam Jjanam Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Mannatha:  Sri Jagannatho Math Guru:  Sri Jagathguru: | Mamathma  Sarvabhoothathma  Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Gururaradhiranadhishcha  Guru:  Paramadhaivatham | Gurumanthrasamo Nasthi Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||


Yeka Yeva  Parobandhur Vishame  Samupasthithe | Guru:  Sakala Dharmathma Thasmai Sri Gurave Nama: ||