Monday 12 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – Bhrama Sathyam Jagath Mithya/The all-pervasive supreme soul is eternal, and the Universe and infinite worldly matters are unreal, and it has the momentary life of a dream


Chapter – 269-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –Bhrama Sathyam Jagath Mithya/The all-pervasive supreme soul is eternal, and the Universe and infinite worldly matters are unreal, and it has the momentary life of a dream

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, and sing in praise of his glories and sacred names, Oh! Mortals, the Veda, and scriptures affirm that the worship of Lord Sri Hari and singing in praise of him would remove the Thapathraya/the three kinds of grief, the Universe and its infinite names, sounds, touches, appearances, and passions are not real, and it has momentary life as a dream, hence wake up from deep slumber and get rid of attachments to worldly matters. The knowledge of self/Paramarththa Thathaththva/The absolute truth/All the material matters are impermanent and the soul is eternal/the supreme wisdom would remove the darkness of ignorance, and eventually, the attachment to worldly matters disappear. Oh! Mind, do not waste this precious birth as a human getting attached to possession, wealth, fame, money, richness, children, wife, companions, and relatives of fleeting nature. Oh! Mortals, Therefore, do not look back and brood over the years wasted, now onwards get back to the practice of devotion and worship of Lord Sri Hari, singing in praise of his glories and sacred names.”

Sakala Thaji Bhaji Man ! Charana Murari | Shruthi Sumrithi Munijana Sab Bhashath Mei Hu Kahath Pukari || Jaisau Supanau Soyi Dhekhiyath Thaisau Yaha Samsar | Jath Bilai Hyau Chinak Mathra  Mei Udharath Nina Kivar || Barambar Kahath Mei Thosau Janama Jua Jani Hari | Pacchau Bhayi Su  Bhayi Sur Jana Ajahu Samujji Sambhari ||