Monday 5 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The recitation of Sri Ramanama/ the Sri Ramanamroopi ferry would protect the Jeeva from the sufferings of the ocean of worldly existence and the repeated births


Chapter – 259-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The recitation of Sri Ramanama/ the Sri Ramanamroopi ferry  would protect the Jeeva from the sufferings of the ocean of worldly existence and the repeated births

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, sing in praise of the glories of Lord Sri Hari, and listen and recite the glorious legends of Lord Shyamasundhar, Lord Murari, he is the Lord of the Universe and its living and non-living things, he has beautiful eyes that resemble lotus flower petals, he is supreme Bhramam reside as a soul in the Jeeva, he is beloved of Santh, Mahathma, noble souls. He is benevolent, and the protector of the distressed Jeeva. Oh! Mortals, the worldly existence is a bottomless ocean filled with the waters of lust and desires, and it’s packed with the powerful current that resembles Thrishna/illusion. Oh! Mortals, whoever has taken shelter in the Sri Rama Namaroopi ferry have crossed the ocean of worldly existence at ease, and on the other hand, the unfortunate attached to the infinite worldly matters of sounds, passions, appearances, smells, and passions did not make it, they constantly threw themselves into the miseries and grief/Thapathraya /1) grief caused from the epidemic, flood, famine, drought, forest fire, earthquake, etc.  2) grief caused from aging, illnesses, fear of death, grief from the separation of beloved ones 3) grief caused from the excessive attachment to possession, wealth, richness, fame, money, wealth, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. of worldly existence and repeated births. Oh! Mortals, he is the supreme Bhramam omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, Lord of Lords and Lord of the Universe, he is primeval, pure, flawless, eternal and unblemished, free from dualities and grief, so how I can leave that supreme Lord Sri Hari and beg before the demi-gods? The Bhikshus/Gnani who has attained the knowledge of supreme Bhramam won’t beg before everyone.”


Bhajahu Na Mere Syama Murari | Sab Santhani Ke  Jeevan Hai Hari  Kamala Nayana Pyare Hithakari || Ya  Samsara Samudhra Mohajala Thrishna Tharanga Udathi Athi Bhari | Nav Na  Payi Sumiran Hari Kau  Bhajan Rahith Boodath Samsari || Dheenadhayala Adhara Sabani Ke  Parama Sujana Akhila Adhikari | Surdas Kihi Thihi Thaji Janchai Jana Jana Janchak Hoth Bhikari ||