Monday 5 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The excessive attachment to worldly matters causes repeated births


Chapter – 258-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The excessive attachment to worldly matters causes repeated births

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, why did you put me in my mother’s womb and throw me into the bottomless ocean of worldly existence? you have given precious birth as a human to steal all the evilness of the Kali era? Oh! Prabho, you are the savior of distressed souls, the Veda, and the scriptures highly praise your compassion and kindness to your devotees,  if you do not want to protect me from the Thapathraya/three kinds of grief, why did you promise your devotees to protect them in troubles? Why did you hand me to the Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara? Oh! Prabho, I have learned that Manasika Puja/worship of Lord Sri Hari in the heart and Manasika Japa/utterance of sacred hymns and verses of Lord Sri Hari in the heart, contemplation, and meditation at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, are extremely difficult to practice. Oh! Kripanidhan, Oh! Keshav, Oh! Kripalu, kindly shower your compassionate grace upon me, and  I have committed several sins by words, mind, and deed, kindly do not take them seriously. Oh! Prabho, I have become a fool all my life, I have been attached to wealth, possession, richness, money, fame, children, wife, companion, and relatives, sadly those were never been mine, or permanent, so whom do I love? Oh! Prabho, I do not know how many births I have taken in the womb as air-born, water born and Earthborn, I am tired of describing my ill deeds to Lord Yama and undergoing the hellish torture, kindly protect me.”


Jau Pai Yahai Bichar Pari| Thau Kath Kalikalmasha Lootan Kau Meri Dheha Dhari || Jau Nahi Anusarath Nama Jaga Bidhitha Biradh Kath Keenhau | Kama Krodha,  Madha Lobha  Moha Kai Hath Bandhi Kath Dheenhau || Manasa Aur Manasi Seva  Dhoau Agadha Kari Janau | Hohu Kripalu Kripanidhi Kesav Bahu Aparadh Na Manau || Kakau Griha Dhara Suth Sampathi Jasau Keejai Heth | Surdas Prabhu Dhin Udi Mariyath Jama Kau Lekhoau Dheth ||