|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall
prostrate before supreme Goddess Thripura Bhairavi, whoever write the glorious
names praising the splendor of Goddess Thripura Bhairavi on Saturday, seated in
an isolated place, or wood/forest, or
funeral ground or darkest hours in the night, would attain all kinds of super
natural powers, it is highly propitious write during the auspicious hours
mentioned in the astrology/Simharashau Gurugathe Karkatasthe Dhivakare,
Meenarashau Gurugathe, worship of Goddess Thripura Bhairavi with various rich
fragrant substances, fresh alluring fragrant flowers, and sandalwood paste, recitation of these sacred verses, veneration
of Sumangalis/ woman whose husband is alive or small girl children, are
considered as highly auspicious, veneration of Goddess Thripura Bhairavi with
intense devotion and faith, offering highly fragrant fresh alluring flowers,
rich fragrant substances, sandalwood paste, silk clothes, vermilion, red
colored flowers, or veneration of small girl children would fulfil all the
desires of the worshiper instantly,
whoever recite or listens to these glorious verses would attain various
Siddhis, worshiper would remain protected from ill fame or enemies, veneration
of Goddess Thripura Bhairavi with intense faith and devotion, recitation of
these verses for six thousand times, offering sacrifices would fulfill all the
desires of the worshiper, worship of
Thripura Bhairavi who is Goddess Parvathi, with self manifested flowers and
various fresh alluring flowers would provide highly propitious reward. I shall
prostrate before supreme Goddess Thripura Bhairavi, offering meals to Bhramin
and worship of Bala on regular basis during the hours of Thrisandhya/dawn, noon
and dusk, following prescribed rite would provide abundance of meritorious
reward, childless couple would be blessed with virtuous offspring, penniless
person would become wealthiest, it would provide long life and scholastic
skills, it provides all kinds of wealth in abundance, it eradicates all kinds of illnesses, it
would bring endless fame, above are the glorious verse praising the splendor of
Goddess of Thripura Bhairavi which was narrated of by Lord Mahabhairava should
be recited with utmost faith and following strict austerities, it provides long
life with good health and worshiper would be relieved from darkness of
ignorance, miseries and sorrows, it would fulfil all the desires of the
worshiper with the blessing of Goddess Thripura Bhairavi.
Shanaishchare Likhethvapi Sarvasiddhim Labethdhruvam |
Pranthare Va Shmashane Va Nishayam Ardharathrake ||
Shoonyagare Cha Deveshi Likhedhyathnena Sadhaka: | Simharashau Gurugathe
Karkatasthe Dhivakare ||
Gurugathe Likhedhyathnena Sadhaka:| Rajasvalabagna Dhrishtva
Thathrastho Vilikhethsadha ||
Shukrai: Sugandhi Chandhanai: |
Mriganabhi Mrigamadhair Vilikhyedhyathna poorvakam ||
Likhithva Cha Padithva
Cha Dharayecchapyananyadhi : | Kumaripoojayithva Cha Nareeshchapi Prapoojayeth ||
Poojayithva Cha Kusumair
Gandha Chandhana vasthrakai: |
Sindhoora Rathnakusumai: Poojayeth Bhakthiyogatha :|
Poojayeth Devi Kumarirdhashamavadhi: |
Sarvabheeshta Phalanthathra Labathe
Thath Kshanathapi ||
Nathra Siddhadhyapekshasthi Na Va Mithraridhooshanam
| Na Vicharyashcha Deveshi Japamathrena
Siddhidham ||
Sarvadha Sarvakaryeshu Shat Sahasra Pramanatha: |
Balidhaththva Vidhanena Prathyaham Poojayeth Shivam ||
Pushpair Balidhanandhivanisham |
Poojayeth Parvathi Devim Bhairavi Thripurathmikam ||
Bhramanan Bhojayen Nithyanthashakadhvadhashanthatha |
Anena Vidhina Devi Bala Nithya Prapoojayeth ||
Masameka Padethyasthu Thrisandhya Vidhinamuna |
Aputhro Labathe Puthra Nirdhano Dhanavan Bhaveth||
Sadhachanena Vidhina
Thatha Masathrayena Cha |
Krithakaryam Bhaveth Devi Thadha
Masachathushtaye ||
Dheergharogath Pramuchyathe
Panchame Kavirat Bhaveth |
Sarvaishvaryam Labeth Devi Masashtake
Thadhaiva Cha ||
Sapthame Khecharathvashcha Ashtame
Cha Vrihadhyuthi: | Navame
Sarvasiddhi: Syathdhashame Lokapoojitha:
Yekadhashe Rajavashyo Dhvadhashe Thu Purandhara: | Varamekam Padethyasthu
Prapnothi Poojane Phalam ||
Shlokameakairva Ya: Padeth Prayatha
Shuchi: | Sa Pooja Pahalamapnothi
Bhairavena Cha Bhashitham ||
Preethiyoge Cha Bhramaindhre Cha Visheshatha: | Panchamyashcha Thatha
Shashtyayathra Kuthrapi Thishtathi ||
Na Vidhyathe Thathra Na Cha
Mayadhi Dhooshanam | Varamekam
Paden Marthyo Muchyathe
Sarvasankatath | Kimanyath Bahuna
Devi Sarvabheesham Phalam Labeth ||
|| Ithi
Sri Vishvasara Thanthre Mahabhairava
Virachitham Srimath Thripura Bhairavi Sahasranama Sthothram Sampoornnam ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||