Sri Sanathsujatheeyam – Sri Mahabharath
- Sri Shankarabhashyam – Bhashyam - 18 & 19- The
vicious cycles of rebirths
Chapter 13 - Bhashyam – 18 & 19 - The vicious
cycles of rebirths
The Jeeva due to the lack of knowledge of
‘self’/Paramathman, engages in various sins due to Ahamkara, Lobha, Madha, Moha
and Mathcharya takes pride in possession, wealth, richness, money, family,
relatives, etc. along with the ‘body consciousness’/ sense to keep the body as
primary object to earn money, and spend precious time and money on it, without
the knowledge of the ‘Jara’ and ‘Death’ are unconquerable. The Jeeva drenched
in Pramadha/ignorance, interest in worldly matters and bondage, leaving the
mortal coil and wander in the form of spirit for a period time, further it
hurls into the vicious cycles of birth as Akasha/space, Vayu/air, Vrishti/rain,
Sasya/plant life, Annam /grains, Shuklam/Beeja, and Shonitham, finally achieve
the body of any of the creatures according to its previous piousness. The Shruthi
says, the noble souls yearning for the Swargaloka performs the tasks in the
Marthyaloka, leaving the mortal coil achieves the pleasures in the abode of
Indra for sometimes and returns to the cycles of rebirth mentioned above. “Ksheene
Punye Marthyalokam Vishanthi”/ these noble souls hurled from the Swargaloka, assume
the form of the human and perform all those tasks and Karma according to the Indriyavasana/becomes
slave to Indriyas. The Jeeva who follows the Indriyavasana/chases the sensual
pleasures achieve Mrithyu/ignorance and finally death. In this way, even the
pious souls who yearn and achieve the Indraloka, after a period of time descend
to Mrithyuloka, performs all those tasks to please the sense, finally, hurl into
the vicious cycles of repeated births, therefore the Mokshasidhdhi becomes
impossible for them too. The cause for the ‘Samsara’ is ignorance, lack of knowledge
of that supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, has neither birth nor
death, unblemished, all-pervasive, pure,
supreme bliss and free from afflictions. The Jeeva continues to hurls into the
Thapathraya/Adhibhauthika, Adhidheivika, and Adhyathmika Thapa, until it
achieves the knowledge of ‘Aham Bhramasmi’ ‘I am that Paramathman’/knowledge of
Oneness-in all. The ignorant Jeeva, soaked in worldly matters and bondage,
travels on the ferry/Nauka, pushed by the Thapathrya and Ragadhvesha in the unfathomable
ocean of worldly existence which is colonized by the wild aquatic animals all
around, drenched in the darkness of Moha/desires
continues to travel aimlessly. In the sense, the ignorant Jeeva continues to
take several births and undergoes miseries and sorrows of the worldly
existence. I have described the relation of Avidya/ignorance and Kama in detail.
I shall describe the Karma and its relation with the bondage/Bandha as well. The
Jeeva excessively involved in the Karma continues to follow the same, they did
not conquer ‘Mrithyu’/ignorance, they constantly engage in the Bhoga and Yoga, and
performs all the deeds with Vishayarasa/taking pleasure in the sense. Hence,
they perform all the deeds with Karmalaphala Anuraktha/ performance of deeds
yearning for the fruitful results, therefore they cause bondage with the Karma,
in this way, they did not conquer ‘Mrithyu’/Pramadha.
Bhashyam -18
Ahamkaradhiroopena Parinatha
Jjanena The Mohitha
Dhehadhishu Athmabhavamapadhitha
Thadhvashe Ahankaradhyathmana
Parinatha Pramadhakhya Mrithyuvashe
Varththamana Itha: Asmath Pretha: Dhoomadhi Margena Gathva
Thathra Paraloke Yavath
Sampathamushithva Puna: Akashavayu
Vrishti Sassyanna
Dhehagrahanaya Pathanthi
Nipathanthi | Shrooyathe Cha “ Thasmin Yavath
Sampatha Mushithva
Adhaithamevadhvanam Punar Nivarthanthe” Ithi | Thatha: Anantharam Puna: Dhehagrahanavasthayam Tham Deva Indhriyani Anusruthya Karmani Parisamanthath
Plavanthe Samanthatha:
Parivarthanthe Ithyarththa: | Atha:
Asmath Karanath Indhriya Gunanusaranath Mrithyum Maranam Yathi | Thatho Maranath Janmantharam Abhyupaithi Thatho Mrithyum |
Yevam Janana Marana Prabandhdhadhiroodo Na Kadhachith Vimuchyatha Ithyarththa:
|| Athmajjana Nimiththaththvath Samsarasya
Yavath Paramathma Namathmane
Sakshanna Vijanathi Thavadhayam
Thapathrayabhibhootho Makaradhibiriva
Samakrishyamana: Momuhyana:
Samsarannavathishtatha Ithyarththa: ||
Bhashyam – 19
Yevam Thavadhvidhyakamayo:
Bandhahethuthvam Abhihitham | Adhedhaneem
Karmanam Bandhahethuthvamaha | Karmodhaye Karmaphalanaruga: Thathranuyanthi
Na Tharanthi Mrithyum | Sadharththa Yoganavagamath Samanthath
Pravarththathe Bhoyayogena Dhehi ||
Karmodhaye Karmalaphalanuraga: Santha: Thathra Anuyanthi Mrithyum Na Tharanthi Sadharththa Yoganavagamath Bhoga
Yogena Dhehi Samanthath Pravarththathe