|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Lord Shiva speaks “ Oh! Devi, she is the
essence of Pranava, she is pure, and she represents Sathvik nature, she is the
mother of all deities, Oh! Beautiful one, kindly be gracious, she resides as
subtle element in living beings, Panchabhootha and Panchathanmathra resides on
her chest, she is perceivable through sacred hymns of Veda, Oh! Beautiful one
kindly be gracious, she is eulogized by deities, Dhanavas, Gandharva, Yaksha,
Rakshasa and Kinnara, Oh! Lakshmi , Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious
always, she is beyond description, she is supreme Goddess, she is surrounded by
Bhoothaganas, she is eulogized by scholars and learned men, Oh! Beautiful one
kindly be gracious, she is flawless, she symbolizes permanent wealth, she is
the protector of people who are surrendered to her, she is primordial, she
carries out the function of the Universe, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious,
she is absolute Bhramam, she is personified as Savithri, she illuminates the
Universe with her radiance, she symbolizes Universe, she is supreme bliss, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she
represents essential five elements/Panchabhootha, such as Earth, Eether, Water,
Fire, and Air, she is the cause and
effect as well, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she is supreme Goddess
who is personified as Hemavathi for Mahesha, Kamala for Keshava, and consort of
Bhrama, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she is personified as Chandi,
Durga, Kalika, and Siddheshvari who symbolizes various supernatural powers, she
is Yogini, she is perceivable through Yogic practices, Oh! Beautiful one kindly
be gracious, she symbolizes infant in babies, youth in adults, and aged in
elderly, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she is store house of virtues,
she is beyond virtues, she is primeval, she symbolizes supreme wisdom, she is
perpetual, she represents Mahaththaththva/Prakrithi, Oh! Beautiful one kindly
be gracious, she undertakes severe penances, she represents penances,
supernatural powers/Siddhi, supreme bliss, she is Prakrithi, Oh! Beautiful one
kindly be gracious, she is primordial deity, she is the cause of preservation
of Universe and its living beings, she is the ultimate resting place, she is
independent, she dwells in living and nonliving things, she resides in and out
as well, she is all pervading, she is too passionate to her worshiper, she is a
great illusionist therefore ignorent loses the knowledge of self and
intellect, eventually they take repeated births according to their sins and
pieties attained, she is absolute truth, she illuminates the Universe with her
stream of light, she dwells as intellect, she is supreme consciousness,
ignorant immerses in worldly pleasures in the association of offspring, wife,
and house, ultimately ends in extreme
grief and sorrow, she is Deveshi who undertakes expedition at her own will
to Suryamandala and
Chandhramandala, Oh! Beautiful one
kindly be gracious, she is mother to Lord Bhrama, Esha, and Vishnu, she is Bhramakhya and she is
absolute Bhramam, she remains visible as well invisible, Oh Deveshi, Oh!
Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she is stable, she is all pervading, she is
beyond Maya, she is Maheshvari, she is Shivathma, she is imperishable, she is
eternal, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she is the commander of all the
functions of the Universe, she dwells as soul living beings and she is the
Goddess of living beings, she is eternal, she is beyond time, Oh! Beautiful one
kindly be gracious, she is Sarveshvari who is worshiped by all, she is beyond
human intellect, she is Paramathmika who is capable to provide Bhukthi as well
as Mukthi, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she dwells as Bhramani in
Bhramaloka, Sarvamangala in Vaikundham, Indhrani in Amaravathi, Ambika in the
abode of Lord Varuna, Kalaroopa in the
abode of Yama, Shubha in the abode of Lord Kubera, Mahanandha in the abode of
Agni, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she resides as Rakthadhantha in the
abode of Nairuthi, Mrigavahini in the abode of Vayavya, Vaishnavi in the Pathal
Loka, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she dwells as Surasa in Manidhvipa,
Shooladharini in the Eshana, Bhadhrakali in Lanka, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be
gracious, she resides as Rameshvari in Sethubandham, Devamohini in Simhala,
Vimala in Shreekshethram, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she dwells as
Kalika in Kalighat, Kamakhya in Neelaparvatha, Viraja in Aundradhesham, Oh!
Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she dwells as Annapoorni in Varanasi, Maheshvari
in Ayodhya, Gayeshvari in Gayadham, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she
dwells as Bhadrakali in Kurukshethra, Kathyayani in Vraja, Mahamaya in Dwaraka,
Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, she represents hunger in living beings,
tides in the ocean, she resides as Maheshvari in Mathura, Oh! Beautiful one
kindly be gracious, she is personified as Janaki for Rama and Manamohini for
Lord Shiva, she is personified as daughter of Dhaksha, Oh! Beautiful one kindly
be gracious, she augments devotion to Lord Vishnu in her worshiper, she crushed
the pride of Kamsasura and Ravana, Oh! Beautiful one kindly be gracious, these
are glorious verse praising the splendor of Goddess Lakshmi/Kamala, whoever
reads or listens to it with intense devotion and faith would be freed from the
fears of severe fever and all kinds of critical illnesses, these sacred verses
are highy propitious, it eradicates all kinds of miseries and perils of
worshiper, it should be recited on daily basis during the hours of dawn, or
noon or dusk, worshiper would be freed from all the sins and dangers in the
three world of Bhuvi/Earth, Swarga/heaven and
Rasathalam/etherworld, whoever reads or listens to it with intense faith
would be relieved from all the sins and attain highest of the pieties, it provides all the happiness and liberation
from repeated births, and it is definite
that the worshiper would attain the pieties of dip in the crores of holy
rivers, Goddess Kamala will be highly pleased, and with her eternal grace nothing is impossible in
the three worlds, Oh! Parvathi, everything can be achieved in these three
worlds with the pieties of recitation of these glorious verses.”
Sri Shiva Uvacha -
Omkararoopini Devi Vishuddha Saththvaroopini | Devanam Janani
Thvam Hi Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Thanmathram Chaiva Bhoothani Thava
Vakshasthalam Smritham| Thvameva Vedagamya Thu Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Deva Dhanava Gandharva Yaksha Raksha
Kinnara: | Sthooyase Thvam Sadha Lakshmi Prasannda Bhavasundhari ||
Lokatheetha Dhaivatheetha Samastha
Bhoothaveshtitha | Viddhvadhjana Keerthitha Cha Prasanna Bhavasundhari
Paripoornna Sadha Lakshmi Thrathi Thu Sharanarthishu |
Vishvadhya Vishvakarthri Cha Prasanna
Bhavasundhari ||
Bhramaroopa Cha Savithri Thvadhdheepthya
Bhasathe Jagath | Vishvaroopa Varenya Cha
Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Kshipthya Thejo Maruth Vyoma
Panchabhootha Svaroopini | Bandhadhe: Karanam
Thvam Hi Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Maheshe Thvam Hemavathi Kamala Keshavoapi
Cha | Bhramana: Preyasi Thvam Hi Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Chandi Durga Kalika Cha Kaushiki Siddharoopini | Yogini
Yogagamya Cha Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Balye Cha Balika Thvam Hi Yauvane Yuvathithi Cha | Sthavire Vriddharoopa Cha Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Gunamayi Gunatheetha Adhya
Vidhya Sanathani | Mahaththathvadhi Samyuktha Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Thapasvini Thapa: Siddhi
Svargasiddhisthatharththishu | Chinmayi Prakrithisthvam Thu Prasanna
Bhavasundhari ||
Thvamadhirjagatham Devi Thvameva Sthithikaranam | Thvamanthe Nidhanasthanam Svecchachara Thvamevahi ||
Characharanam Bhoothanam
Bahiranthasthvameva Hi | Vyapya Vyapakaroopena Thvam Bhasi Bhakthavathsale ||
Thvanmayaya Hrithjjyana Nashtathmano Vichethasa: |
Gathagatham Prapadhyanthe
Papapunyavashathsadha ||
Thavansathyam Jagathdhathri
Shukthikarajatham Thatha |
Yavanjjayathe Jjyanam
Chethasananvagamini ||
Thvathjjyanathu Sadha Yuktha: Puthra
Dhara Grihadhishu | Ramanthe Vishayansarvanthe Dhukhapradhan Dhruvam ||
Thvadhajjya Thu Deveshi Gagane
Sooryamandalam | Chandhrashcha Bhramathe
Nithyam Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Bhramesha Vishnujanani Bhramakhya
Bhramasamshraya| Vykthavyaktha Cha
Deveshi Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Achala Sarvaga Thvam Hi Mayatheetha Maheshvari | Shivathma Shashvatha
Nithya Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Sarvakaryaniyanthri Cha Sarvabhootheshvari | Anantha Nishkala Thvam Hi Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Sarveshvari Sarvavandhya Achinthya Paramathmika | Bhukthi Mukthipradha Thvam Hi Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Bhramani Bhramaloke Thvam Vaikunde Sarvamangala | Indhrani Amaravathya
Ambika Varunalaye ||
Kalaroopa Kubherabhavane Shubha | Mahanandhaginakone Cha Prasanna
Bhavasundhari ||
Nairuthyam Rakthadhantha Thvam Vayavyam
Mrigavahini | Pathale
Vaishnaviroopa Prasanna
Bhavasundhari ||
Surasa Thvam Manidhvipe Eshanyam Shooladharini | Bhadhrakali Cha Lankayam Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Rameshvari Sethubandhe
Simhale Devamohini | Vimala Thvam
Cha Sreekshethre Prasanna Bhavasundhari
Kalika Thvam Kalikhate Kamakhya
Neelaparvatha | Viraja Aundhradheshe
Thvam Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Varanasyam Annapoornna Ayodhyam Maheshvari | Gayeshvari Gayadhamin
Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Bhadhrakali Kurukshethre Thvam Cha
Kathyayani Vraje | Mahamaya Dwarakayam Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Kshudha Thvam Sarvajeevanam Vela Cha Sagarasya Hi | Maheshvari Mathurayam Cha
Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Ramasya Janaki Thvam Cha Shivasya Manamohini | Dhakshasya Dhuhitha
Chaiva Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Vishnubhakthipradham Thvam Cha Kamsasura Vinashini | Ravanashinam Chaiva
Prasanna Bhavasundhari ||
Lakshmi Sthothram Idham Punyam Ya: Padeth
Bhakthisamyutha: | Sarvajvarabhayam
Nashyathe Sarvavyadhinivaranam ||
Itham Sthothram Mahapunyam
Apadhudhdharakaranam | Thrisandhyamekasandhya Va Ya: Padeth Saththam Nara: |
Muchyathe Sarvapapebhyo Thatha Thu
Sarvasankatath | Muchyathe Na Athra Sandheho Bhuvi Swarga Rasathale ||
Samastham Cha Thatha Chaikam
Ya: Padeth Bhakthithathpara: |
Sa Sarvadhushtakaramtheethva Labathe Paramam Gathi: ||
Sukhadham Mokshadham Sthothram Ya: Padeth Bhakthisamyutha: | Sa Thu Kodi
Theerthaphalam Prapnothi Na Athra Samshaya: ||
Yeka Devi Thu Kamala Yasmimamsthushta Bhaveth Sadha |
Thasyasadhyam Thu Dheveshi Na Asthi Kinchith Jagathraye ||
Padanadhapi Sthothrasya Kim Na Siddhyathi
Bhoothale | Thasmath Sthothravaram Proktham Sathyam Hi Parvathi ||
|| Ithi Sri Kamalasthothram Sampoornnam
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||